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"Conversation. What is it? A Mystery! It's the art of never seeming bored, of touching everything with interest, of pleasing with trifles, of being fascinating with nothing at all. How do we define this lively darting about with words, of hitting them back and forth, this sort of brief smile of ideas which should be conversation?" Guy de Maupassant

Thursday, September 4, 2003

Interactives - more effective communication

Here's a neat classification of Interactive Visual Explainers at elearningpost.The authors seem to have studied the area of Interactives from the perspective of web-based journalism and provide many useful links in the article. What i like best is their classification, based on communication intent, which i represent here :

A Simple Classification of Interactives
Category Objective Characteristics Examples-Interactives
Narratives The objective is to explain by giving the reader a vicarious experience of the intent through a story. Stories (fact, fiction, faction) told with a distinct point of view. These include anecdotes, personal stories, business stories, case studies, etc.

>> View Analysis

Instructives The objective is to explain by enabling the reader to sequentially step through the intent. Step-by-step instructions explaining how things work or how events occur.

>> View Analysis

Exploratives The objective is to give the reader an opportunity to explore and discover the intent. These usually allow readers to discover the intent themselves by active exploring and sensemaking.

>> View Analysis

Simulatives The objective is to enable the user to experience the intent (usually a real world phenomena.) These allow readers to experience the intent themselves.

>> View Analysis

Although this classification is in the context of web-based journalism and visual explainers, i'd like to think that the basic concepts can be extended into any area where there is a call for two-way communication.

From a marketing perspective, Narratives and Intructives remind me of two tools used very often by marketers and advertisers in communicating with customers. Where Narratives would be akin to case studies, storytelling and testimonials. And Instructives in their most simplistic form represent user manuals, intructions and kits.

While not taking away any value from Narratives (which i personally find an extremely effective form of communication), the real value IMHO is in the latter two concepts - Exploratives and Simulatives - by presenting these opportunities :

  • where markets become conversations, and real human voices cannot be ignored - borrowing here from the Cluetrain philosophy
  • where sense-making is encouraged as a two-way process, rather than a bombardment of message from seller to buyer
  • where a playground is fostered that can prototype and spiral innovation that makes sense to both buyer and seller

For my own personal agenda too, i see value in studying this classification further.  Three current streams of thought and preoccupations where i feel this article is timely and of value :

  • exploring deeper and crystallizing thoughts on developing an online community for qualitative research on youth -the concept of Interactives could be used to develop tools to gain insights and to enhance the depth of conversations
  • building my own corporate identity and website design
  • as one more useful tool into building a collaborative program for bringing social software tools into the corporate world.To encourage the harnessing and sharing of social capital and intelligence in the spirit of collaboration and innovation.Or more simply, by bringing in a new way of communication - internal and external, with a sense of safety, belongingness,self-esteem and the opportunity to actualise. Where the potential for collective action can be realised.

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