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Wednesday, November 8, 2006 |
Was passing by one of the busiest 'walls' in Bombay today .. and couldn't resist this picture. Any guesses on the product? No pink prizes ange :) 6:35:23 PM ![]() |
Reuters is holding a live event on Corporate Social Responsibility. The full announcement is here. There is a live chat that will be curated by the Global Voices Online team at the event - to facilitate interaction between bloggers/ remote participants. The event page is here - http://tinyurl.com/yzo66p It would be great if we had more people from South Asia in the discussion though the time is a little odd - 5 AM IST on Friday November 10. If you're up then, and interested, do join in. 3:02:44 PM ![]() |
Stuff that's caught my eye recently:
1:13:18 PM ![]() |
"However, overall it is fueling the more extrovert and allowing shyer
teens to communicate more easily. One of the more interesting findings
is that mobiles have come to take the place in youth culture
traditionally held by cigarettes. They provide or allow private
communication, the activity is carried out largely unsupervised and
they effectively create a rare private space for youth to interact in."
12:27:19 PM ![]() |
is on November 14, 2006. An interesting initiative from Making Life Easy: As part of World Usability Day weíre asking you to make some noise about things that are hard to use. London-based research and design consultancy Flow is marking World Usability Day with a campaign to get people to speak up about the things that make their life needlessly difficult.
Confusing cash machines, unclear signs, frustrating websites - poor usability is everywhere and it gets in the way of life. Sometimes it is just annoying. At other times it stops us doing what we need to do. It can even be dangerous.
World Usability Day is an international event promoting the message that people have had enough of things that are hard to use. We want people to share their usability frustrations with their fellow sufferers. Record your experiences at the campaign website MakingLifeEasy.org and: 1) See what is frustrating other people Get Involved! Submit an Entry Usability Hall of Shame/Hall of Fame Send us a photo of your good or bad usability example! Either add it to our Flickr Group or email it to us and tell us what's good or bad about it. Then, join our blog and you can write and submit a blog post to put your submission in the running for the Usability Halls of Fame/Shame and we'll post it to the blog where everyone can comment and vote! Log In To Add A Submission Here Vote for the Usability Hall of Shame and Hall of Fame Cast your vote on any of the examples you find on the site by adding a comment with a +1 (for Hall of Fame) or -1 (for Hall of Shame). We'll tally the votes and announce the inductees on World Usability Day, 14 November 2006.
Wow .. this is just fantastic. The folks at Savage Minds have set up an open access wiki on anthropology journal articles and papers, and have created a discussion list and IRC channel for those interested in anthropology to hangout at: Learn about the issue
Sign up for updates
Join the conversation 10:30:25 AM ![]() |
Copyright 2009 Dina Mehta