fredag 06. juni 2003
It's All About Who You Know introduces a networking/social connection product called LinkedIn. Via [elearnspace blog]

Se også artikkel i First Monday: It's not what you know, but who you know: Work in the information age av Bonnie Nardi, Steve Whittaker, and Heinrich Schwarz.

Vil du vite mer om SNA kan du lese Social Network Analysis av Peter Morville. I denne artikkelen finner du en rekke spennede lenker og referanser.

Ett verktøy for å kartlegge nettverkene er "InFlow 3.0 network mapping and measuring software: organizational network analysis"
10:05:38 AM  #  

Learning objects in project-based learning. Here’s the paper I’ll be presenting at the Learning Objects Symposium at this year’s EdMedia: Using O2 to Overcome Learning Objects Limitations. It explains what I feel are some of the weaknesses with the ways people have traditionally thought about... [autounfocus]
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