fredag 27. juni 2003
jill/txt: students teaching with blogs. Quote: "One thing I've really liked in the student weblogs I've been grading is that there are a lot of posts that are really useful. It's so different from exams where only the examiners are ever going to see all the work students have done. For instance, a colour blind student teaches other students and readers how to design sites that can be read by colour blind people."

Comment: Weblogs in learning in action.  Neat.  Also some nice explanations about what works and what doesn't. [Serious Instructional Technology]
12:36:26 PM  #  
McGee's Musings - Structuring time for reflection. Quote: "Excellent material on the challenges of building in the necessary time for reflection to power organizational learning and change. One interesting aspect to this line of thought is that reflection has to become an explicit process for it to work at the operating pace of today's economy"

Comment: I imagine Seb will be interested in this.  I think that structured reflection in learning is important.  It feels self-evident to say so. [Serious Instructional Technology]
12:31:56 PM  #