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  Friday, March 26, 2004

A picture named EllistonHouse.jpg
Here is the little house in Elliston we went to look at.

A picture named MercedesHammer.jpg
Here is Mercedes opening the back door with a "Bonnvista passkey".

A picture named BirdIsland.jpg

Here is the view of the bird island on a miserable day.

A picture named MeMailbox.jpg
And here's me mailbox.

8:07:22 AM    comment []

Jaysus. Turns out there's a six AM now. Yeah, Jack. That's what time Mercedes' plane left Torbay field this morning, bound for Halifax and Liam's first tournament. Which is cool, and Liam will not only be thrilled, he'll get a day off school.

But it was something of an experiment to attempt to get up at 4:00, an hour previously reserved for going to bed. Yes, it was slightly unthinkable. It was a puzzle until the afternoon when Mercedes found the alarm clock embedded in a chunk of ice as she chopped a stairway up the frozen hill to reach the clothesline. She had just been wondering how in hell it would be possible to wake up at 4 in the morning, even if by some miracle it would be possible to get to bed *before* 4 in the morning. A pretty problem, particularly since the alarm clock had been thrown with vigour out the window into the giant snowbank in the back yard several months ago because it had offended. Perhaps that had been hasty. Perhaps it might have proved useful on an occasion such as this. And but lo! Look now luh! Seek and ye shall Find. There it sat ticking away like a Timex ad. She brought it in and we nursed it back to health. We tested it, passing the time over some fine sirloin and a bottle of burgundy. It worked fine, but the feeble beep it emitted wouldn't wake anybody, much less us. I changed the battery and the volume of the peep improved, perhaps it might wake one of us. I set it very carefully.

And then twas off to sleepy land with we, and it would have worked fine if only Kent had remembered to turn the alarm to the "on" position.

Never mind. Jiffy cab has a wake-up service. They will call you, and they will be there...right away.

And so I am awake and it is a glorious morning. I do love this time of day on a clear cold spring makes me want to deliver newspapers. But that is, of course, another story.

Carpe diem. .
7:40:49 AM    comment []

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