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  Wednesday, April 7, 2004

RIght. Makeup. Think about it. This is paint women put on their faces, often heavy paint, and if you ask them what it is for, 99 times out of a hundred they will lie to you. I'm serious b'ys. Try it on your wife. She will make up some shit the children wouildn't believe, or she will say nothing at all. HINT, it's not for YOU, pal....

Here's your sign. .
12:00:52 PM    comment []

Come back Open Doc. All is forgiven...

4:26:06 AM    comment []

C Stevens asks:

Does the "Iraq Body Count - Civilian Casualties" on your web site include those who were NOT killed by the Coalition forces? e.g. the suicide bombers, those Iraqis killed by Iraqi soldiers when they tried to leave the cities or surrender, those appraently forced to drive fast into an American checkpoint (soon after a suicide bombing that had killed 4 US military personnel) and those killed by Iraqi anti-aircraft fire when the shells etc. fall back to earth. Other civilian casualties include the news reporters killed by Iraqi suicide bomber, and gunfire, and accidents. No Kuwaiti civilian casualties from Iraqi missile fired wildly, hitting a CIVILIAN shopping mall?

C Stevens [apple] 4/5/03; 10:41:08 AM

No C, it does not.

Good question though. Actually, C, that number, which is maintained and explained in full by the friendly folks at Iraq Body Count Net very specifically and very conservatively only counts direct non-combatant deaths directly attributable to coalition force. It only counts what can be verified by independant news sources inclucing the Red Cresent etc. This ain't no shit man. And no, it does not count the belly bomb boys, nor does it count all the children who died of neglect or malnutrition or septicaemia from all the guts, brains and caked blood splattered on the walls of what passes for a hospital in Baghdad, or Tekrit or Kabul...

It also in fact does not count the suicides (Iraqian or 'murrican) and it makes no specific note of the fact that 'murrican soldiers are killing journalists. General Tommy Franks said "We don't do body counts."

Well, C, I guess you don't either. That's why we have a link to someone who does.


4:09:36 AM    comment []

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