Wednesday, July 30, 2003

Cheap Web Host? Don't Do It!

Looking For A Cheap Web Host?

Nobody likes to pay a lot for their website hosting.  It makes sense to shop around to find the best deal - as long as all the hosting features are comparable.  One thing you should definitely NOT do is just choose the cheapest host.


Here's a story that will keep you from choosing the cheapest host ever again.  After months of search engine optimization, I finally got top rankings for some very profitable keywords.  The traffic from those keywords was amazing!  After enjoying my hard work for about a month and a half, all of a sudden the traffic stopped.  I frantically checked the search engine listing looking for my site. 

It was nowhere to be found!  What the hell happened!

It turns out that when the Google spiders come around to index your site they look for any problems with the links and loading of your site.  If your web hosting provider happens to be down when the spiders come to your site, it will not load when the spiders try to crawl it - of course they assume that your site is no longer active and valid - and they drop you out of the search engine index! 

Well, my hosting provider let me down, and because of that little fiasco I lost my excellent rankings.  It took months to get a new host, get crawled by Google, and get placed back in the search results.

Was all this trouble worth saving $5 per month?  NO WAY!

Get yourself a quality hosting provider - one that is reliable, gives you excellent support, and has a great set of features.


7:11:04 PM  #