Saturday, August 09, 2003

Are You An Easy Target For A Lawsuit?



How soon we forget...

You may remember not too long ago that all anybody could
talk or write about was how the FTC was cracking down on
business owners online by shutting them down, freezing
their bank accounts, and filing criminal charges against

Well... nothing has changed.

The world didn't stop turning...

And the FTC is *still* going after people...

And the crazies are still trying to get rich by filing
law suits against people...

It's part of life now and doesn't rate talking about, at
least not until another big "name" online gets busted.

But before you hit the extreme of either freaking out and
expecting to see the cops any minute... or stick your head
in the sand and do nothing... think about this for a

If you're serious about operating an online business
(selling your own products or somebody else's), don't you
think you better find out what the risks *really* are?

Also, are you taking legal advice from people who aren't
lawyers and have no clue about the necessary steps to
protect your online business?

Well, if you are, it's time to cut the garbage and get
straight to the truth about who should and shouldn't worry
about all this legal mess!

It's time to get this nonsense over and done with so we can
all go back to doing business online instead of sitting
around worrying ourselves sick about it!

Here's what we're going to do about it...

Here's the bottom line...

I don't know about you, but I think it's time for somebody
to stand up and give people the straight story about what's
going on!

It's time to find out exactly who should and shouldn't be

... and exactly what you must do to PROTECT yourself and
your business against attack -- not only from the FTC, but
also from the scumbags who are looking to win the "lawsuit
lottery" by filing frivolous claims agains website owners
they think have money!

10:31:47 AM  #