Friday, October 29, 2004

Are You Tracking Every Single Google AdSense Ad?

If you are not tracking every single one of your adsense ads - on every page you own - you're losing money every day!

How is this possible?

After extensive testing and tracking of AdSense ads, it has been proven that your clickthrough rate and earnings will vary DRASTICALLY depending on the ad style and placement on your page.  Sometimes the leaderboard style makes you the most money, sometimes the small rectangle is better...

How do you decide which is best?

First, put a different style of ad on each of your pages, but keep them in the same location.  TRACK the results carefully, and then determine a winner.  Do the same for different locations on your pages.  After tracking for a while, you will see a clear winner.  This is the style and placement that will maximize your AdSense income.

If you just slap ads up on your pages and hope for the best you are WAY behind your competitors.  You need to track and test every ad.

Click here to get started testing your ads today.

10:12:02 PM  #  

Build A Business, Sell It, Repeat Often

Back in the days of the .com boom, the path that led to big money went like this:

  1. Write a half-assed business plan.
  2. Get some venture capital money.
  3. Spend all of that money on advertising and branding yourself.
  4. Go public.
  5. Sell all of the stock before it crashes and becomes worthless.

The best way to make a killing today follows this pattern:

  1. Build a unique business that fills a niche, no matter the size.
  2. Acquire a loyal customer base.
  3. Actually take care of your customers and meet their every need.
  4. Sell it for a nice profit.
  5. Repeat as many times as possible. sold for $100 Million a few days ago.  Brilliant idea - excellent execution.  You can do the same thing...

12:27:57 AM  #