Sunday, November 21, 2004

Building Your Site Is Only Half The Battle...

Feel a huge sense of accomplishment when you finish a new site?

I used to -- until I realized that I was only half entire site was still invisible to the entire world!  It wasn't indexed and listed in any search engines or directories - no one could find any of my pages by searching.

So how do you get the search engines to crawl and index your pages faster?

You need as many powerful ONE-WAY links to your pages as possible - reciprocal links are almost useless in the current SE environment.  Everyone is doing reciprocal links right now, and that should be your first clue that they are being discounted by the SEs.  Just like the stock market, it pays to do THE OPPOSITE of what everyone else is doing.  Once everyone is doing the same thing, that thing diminishes in value and importance dramatically.

A great way to get one-way links to your most important pages is to offer something of value in return for those links.  You can offer cash, free software, free services, etc.  Make sure that your offer is enticing enough that you are able to make some specific demands such as the exact anchor text that will be used to link to you, the minimum pagerank of the page linking to you, etc.

I've seen some VERY nice scripts being given away for free in return for the links imbedded in the code that link back to the creator's "money pages."  This same idea will work for you as well.

10:46:24 PM  #