Wednesday, December 15, 2004

OK To Bid On Trademarks In Google - Get Out Your Checkbook

Geico lost their case against Google regarding the use of their trademarked name to trigger Google AdWords ads.  How can you benefit from this?

This ruling by the courts opens the door for you to bid on trademarked names for your PPC ads - you just can't use the trademarks in the content of your ads.  In this case, you can bid on the term "geico" and when someone types that word in Google your ad will show up.  Just make sure that you don't use the word "geico" anywhere in the content of your ad.  Competing insurance companies can now get their ads seen whenever someone types in the name of any major insurance carrier.  I already see 5 ads showing up when searching for the term "geico."

Now is the time to brainstorm for your market niche.  Who are the major players?  What are the names of their products?  Will bidding on those terms and names drive traffic to my site at a reasonable cost?  Is the ROI positive when I use this strategy? 

JUMP on this opportunity right now - the PPC scene will soon be flooded with people using this technique...

1:28:53 PM  #