Friday, 17 November 2006


I am loving Heroes.  It's going to be big!

From wikipedia:

Heroes is an American drama television series, created by Tim Kring, premiered on NBC on September 25, 2006. It follows eleven otherwise-ordinary people who suddenly discover that they have superhuman abilities such as telepathy, time travel, and flight. The first four episodes were dubbed "Ordinary people discovering extraordinary abilities," and at the end of the fourth episode an event occurred which kicked off the current arc: "Save the cheerleader, save the world," which is a reference to the character Claire Bennet, a Texas high school cheerleader with the ability to rapidly heal from any injury, and the apocalyptic visions of New York artist Isaac Mendez. As the large ensemble cast slowly discovers their abilities and existence of others like them, they begin to realize the need to come together to prevent catastrophe.

[listening to: Take a Long Line - Angels ]
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