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 Wednesday, July 23, 2003
Another sweet spot where art meets computing.

Some of the programs in the proce55ing electronic media series just amaze and fascinate me everytime I run them. I am particularly impressed with the organic simplicity of Golan Levin's Yellowtail programs. Just try!

(found via Alf Eaton)

[Seb's Open Research
11:59:26 PM      comment []   trackback []  

eBay still not using SSL. eBay still does not use SSL for passwords. Although there is an option to use it during signin, this is largely negated by the fact that you have to continuously re-sign in to perform various commands, the fact that you cannot have SSL be the 'default' login, the fact that most eBay sellers are not techno-knowledgable enough to understand what secure-sign-in is anyways so they wont click the tiny 'secure signin' link, and the fact that the eBay 'change your password' web page not only sends your new password back to them completely unencrypted but also has no option for using SSL to do the change. [kuro5hin.org
11:56:53 PM      comment []   trackback []  

So Scott, What RSS Reader Do You Recommend?.
Man have I gotten this question a lot recently.  I mean with the range of readers including:
Its no surprise that people are asking me this.  And you'd think that with a) my rather large mouth (ok blog) as well as b) more than a little closeness to RSS, I'd be happy to sit on my high horse and answer it, right?  Actually that would be no.  I say again no.  Why?  Well I have serious, serious bias here.  I mean do I go with a recommendation of Net News Wire ?  Well then I have to point out that I'm forever in debt to Brent of NNW who pushed me to add RSS output to Feedster.  And do I recommend BottomFeeder?  If so then I have to point out that (if memory is correct and much of the past few months is a giant incoherent blur) that BottomFeeder was the 1st aggregator to build Feedster support in directly.  And so on.  Clearly I'm just hugely biased and while I try not to let that bias intrude into my recommendations, on this one I just can't.  I think I pretty much have a close relationship with most of the people making aggregators and I don't feel that makes me a credible person to recommend anything here.  And if you make an aggregator and haven't talked to me about Feedster support then drop me an IM or email.  So you best get that recommendation elsewhere.
I would suggest that you check out the different resources available including Michael Fagan's stuff.  Or Hebig's stuff (recommended). Or Abbe's stuff.  Or go see what other users like Chris Pirillo use. [The FuzzyStuff: aaBlog_Roogle
1:27:23 PM      comment []   trackback []  

Really Interesting Aggregator.
I just got the nicest email from the wticker folks.  Very interesting.  Check it out.  [The FuzzyStuff: aaBlog_Roogle
1:22:49 PM      comment []   trackback []  

B.O. Blivion, in an essay on blogging: "I look to the Internet not for the friendships I lack in real life, but for conversation on topics that interest me, the lack of which in everyday life being what draws me into these things." [Corante: Corante on Blogging
1:12:48 PM      comment []   trackback []  

Homage to Blogalonia. George Orwell's wartime columns have much in common with today's blogs: They were often trivial and idiosyncratic, but bore within them the seeds of something greater. [Der Schockwellenreiter
1:00:46 PM      comment []   trackback []  

Die ODEM.org-Tour: Die Tour ist die beste Möglichkeit, ODEM.org zu verstehen. 
12:58:48 PM      comment []   trackback []  

SOAP Debugger.

Altova, the XML Spy folks, has a SOAP debugger.  Interesting.  I found it by clicking on one the AdSense ads that appeared on my frontpage.  Cool.

[Don Park's Daily Habit
4:33:56 AM      comment []   trackback []  

Jim Coudal: "We have not built a web site in the last year for a client that in some way did not incorporate blogging technology." [Corante: Corante on Blogging
2:42:59 AM      comment []   trackback []