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  Friday, March 12, 2004


Hi folks. Evil Glenn here. I've hijacked the Currency Freak's blog in an effort to test out my new blog-hijacking software. If you're reading this, then the test has been successful and you're all doomed! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!

But to show that life under the crushing dominion of my virtual bootheel won't be ALL bad, I'm going to give you some time management tips. These handy hints are a condensation of years of experience and have allowed me to reach the pinnacle of Ecospheric success to which all bloggers aspire, but which none of you will ever reach, since I will soon crush you like empty pop cans!

Like most people, I used to let idle moments go to waste. If I had a spare 15 minutes, I'd sit around pleasuring myself to penguin porn instead of using them productively. But if you put these little tricks into practice, soon you'll have the blogosphere by the throat, just like me!

Except that I'll kill you before you become a threat to my evil powers.

Yes, thanks to these time-saving techniques, I can cram an entire day's worth of evil into a mere 15 minutes. Just do what I do:

When blending puppies, always use the "liquefy" setting. Sure, you miss out on the agonized yipping that "chop" delivers, but sometimes quantity is more important than quality

Now you've got that yummy glass of warm sticky puppy goo in hand, but who has time for endless repititions of sip-swallow-belch? Not me, that's for sure! That's why I've had a 4-inch diameter PVC pipe surgically installed in my chest leading directly to my stomach. Just pour in the puppy and you're instantaneously bursting with energy!

All those Satanic prayers don't need to eat up your schedule anymore. Forget all that "chant, chant, light a candle, chant, chant, draw a pentagram, chant, chant, disembowel a virgin, chant, chant" garbage. Just remember - Instant Messaging is your friend. They don't call it AOHell for nothing. 9.0 is your direct line to the Prince of Darkness. Don't hesitate to use it. Come on, baby, don't fear the reaper.

Can't find a hobo to murder? That cookie-pimping girl scout who won't stop leaning on your doorbell screams just as satisfyingly when you slip the blade between her ribs.

Even if you type 80 wpm, those long commie-praising screeds can be quite a chore. You can show your love of collectivist oppression more efficiently by joining the League of Liberals. Being on their blogroll is every bit as good as a hearty "Yay Mao!"

No matter how fleet of foot you are, a Robot Dance can waste more time than an NFL instant replay review. Screw that. One cycle of The Macarena gives you just as much sinister shimmy in 15 seconds.

Punching Frank J. sometimes seems like it takes an eternity. But it's worth it. Don't skimp on the all-important pummeling of bony little girly-armed humor-bloggers.

Now, I know what you're going to ask next. "Glenn, I love your time-saving ideas, but what about the penguin porn?" Ah, yes, I know what you mean. I, too, love to savor that slo-mo, frame-by-frame, avian money shot. But with all the foul deeds that need perpetrating, I just don't have time to sit naked in front of the 72" projection screen HDTV with a box of Kleenex & a bottle of Jergens. I've always hated having to choose between the twin joys of self-pleasuring and brutally torturing innocents, but I've finally found a solution. With Eyetop brand Video Glasses and a portable DVD player, you can have one hand free to punch, stab, blend, or dance, and still be able to *ahem* "take care of business" with the other. It's win-win!

And there you have it. The Evil Glenn Patented 15-minute Workout O'Evil. Practice it daily, and soon the blogosphere will be yours to command!

Except that I'll have to kill you if you ever make the mistake of saying:


posted by Harvey at 8:24:29 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME

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