Sunday, September 28, 2003
11:23:30 PM
10:23:20 PM
New York Times: Technology
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To Fix Software Flaws, Microsoft Invites Attack. Why is it still so difficult to make software that is not vulnerable to network attacks like the SoBig virus and Blaster worm? By Steve Lohr. |
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In Handling Innovation, Patience Is a Virtue. At a conference on emerging technologies, one of the main themes was that technological projects may not pay off for decades. By Julie Flaherty. |
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The Role of the Delete Key in Blog. A recent policy change at The Sacramento Bee has raised questions about whether taking an editor's pen to a Web log before it is published detracts from very nature of "blogs." By Michael Falcone. |
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A Stroll Through Patent History. Petra Moser, an M.I.T. assitant professor, has examined the historical relationship between patents and innovations and come to some surprising conclusions. By Teresa Riordan. |
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Netflix Uses Speed to Fend Off Wal-Mart Challenge. Netflix, the DVD rental company run by Reed Hastings, now faces a bruising challenge from Wal-Mart, the $244 billion-a-year retailing monolith. By Nicholas Thompson. |
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Digital Photographs Become Coffee-Table Books. America 24/7," the work of a photojournalist and an editor, uses a combination of professional and amateur photos shot digitally. By Mark Glaser. |
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How to Find That Needle Hopelessly Lost in the Haystack. Tags equipped with microchips and tiny antennas should make it cheaper and more efficient to track goods. Now come the privacy issues. By Barnaby J. Feder. |
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Waiting for Latest Amazon Effect. Companies that have been finding success in selling sporting goods online are watching to see whether Amazon emerges as a rival, a partner or both. By Bob Tedeschi. |
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Guarding Privacy vs. Enforcing Copyrights. Some of the same or similar advocacy groups are taking strikingly different positions when it comes to file-sharing. By John Schwartz. |
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Build Your Own Segway |
6:22:01 PM
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Linux Kernel 2.6.0-test6 Released |
5:21:40 PM
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Ion Engine Propels Probe to Moon |
4:21:30 PM
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Magnatune - a Non-Evil Record Label? |
3:21:11 PM
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Yahoo! News - Technology
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Tablet PCs Starting to Take Off After Slow Start (Reuters). Reuters - After a slow start, tablet
personal computers are starting to take off, fueled by
Microsoft Corp.'s release of its operating system Windows XP
Tablet PC and manufacturers rolling out a wider variety of
easier-to-use devices. |
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Windows 2003 takes 5% away from Linux |
12:20:26 PM
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MS Psychologist on How We Read |
11:20:02 AM
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CNET News.com - Front Door
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Week ahead: Speaking in tech. Speech technology, the Internet economy and Wi-Fi share the stage, as the trade show circuit kicks into full gear after the post-summer lull. |
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What high tech can learn from low tech. McKinsey experts say high-tech executives should focus not just on technological innovation but also on business process innovation, if they want to find new ways to increase productivity. |
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GBDE-GEOM Based Disk Encryption on FreeBSD |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
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France's Minitel lives on. France's ageing Minitel network has been given a new lease of life by hooking it up to the internet. |
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Major Problems with Cingular Network |
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