Boing Boing Blog
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Bullshit EULAs good for something. You know the bullshit in software clickthrough agreements that says, "If you disagree, take this back to where you bought it for a refund?" A law student took his unopened copy of MSFT Office back to a shop with a no-returns policy and used it to force them to give him a refund.
(Thanks, John!) |
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Belkin router "upgrade" tries to sell you censorship. Belkin's new router firmware "upgrade" automatically redirects http sessions to a Belkin sell-page for some bullshit censorware filtering crap. That's some upgrade: from a router that routes packets to a router that pushes the antithesis of free expression.
In response criticism, a Belkin product manager came forward this week to confirm the behaviour was designed into the products as a way to make it easier for consumers to sign up to a free trial of its parental control software. Belkin's Eric Deming is keen to allay concerns about the technique which have produced sharp criticism of the company on the news.admin.net-abuse.email newsgroup.
(Thanks, Rick!) |
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Web Zen: Hipster Zen. 
mr. hipster
free williamsburg
trucker hat
feathered hair
why hipsters suck
anti-hipster forum
not lost in translation
i hate nyc
six months ago
and, of course...
gawker [which we love, shamelessly. --XJ]
web zen home, web zen store, (Thanks, Frank). |
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IRS has a $1MM tax-refund form. 
How much is Dubya's tax-break worth to the hyperrich? Enough that the IRS has a new (thanks, IAW!) form for the electronic deposit of a tax refund of $1 million or more.
28k PDF Link |
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Benjamin Franklin True Patriot Act. Several members of Congress who (now looking back with regret) voted in favor of Ashcroft's PATRIOT act are supporting a bi-partisan bill called the Benjamin Franklin True Patriot act, which will restore many of the Constitutional Rights that Americans had before Bush and his cronies gutted them.
Rep. Butch Otter, a conservative Republican from Idaho, joined Rep. Bernie Sanders, a liberal independent from Vermont, to call for the repeal of the PATRIOT Act provision Ashcroft claims to have never used [spying on the library habits of citizens -- Mark]. Otter had his own quote from the same founding father.
"It was Thomas Jefferson who said, 'In questions of political power, speak to me not of confidence in men, but bind them down from mischief with the chains of a Constitution,'" Otter said. "That mischief is what we're seeing today and could see tomorrow."
UPDATE: My friend and former Wired crony Dan Brekke found plenty of errors in my post. He writes:
Ever the editor, let me observe:
1) That the Bernie Sanders bill mentioned in that item (HR 1157, The Freedom to Read Protection Act (which would repeal USA Patriot's library-search
provisions), was introduced by Sanders alone back in March and cosponsored
by about 20 others; haven't checked all the cosponsors, but most are liberal
Democrats. Otter, one of the two representatives from the worst state in the
Union, signed on five days later. That's just my analness at work; for all I
know, Otter was in discussions with Sanders about the measure before it was
introduced and only signed on formally later. It's not necessarily strange
to see ultra-conservative Republicans sign on to privacy causes embraced by
the left, by the way; the first exhibit being Phyllis Schlafly, who's been a
loud (if not leading) opponent of mandatory key escrow.
2) That the Benjamin Franklin True Patriot Act is a separate bill (HR 3171),
introduced in September by Dennis Kucinich and many of the same liberal
Democrats behind HR 1157; in fact, the sponsors list includes just about
every member of the Bay Area delegation. The bill aims to repeal a long list
of USA Patriot provisions that loosened the reins on government spying.
3) Both of these bills look like they're buried in committees. The last
listed "significant action" on the Freedom to Read Protection Act was nearly
six months ago. The Benjamin Franklin Act has been referred to five
different committees.
Link (Thanks, Mack!) |
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Link-Fu contest: Here are the winners.. The votes are in. For this week's battle to find the most bizarre and obscure links on the web (background) there were many judges, and countless submissions: so, we have multiple winners. And no, those aren't hanging chads you see scattered around the floor of Link-Fu competition headquarters. That's just leftover confetti from the inauguration party last night. Today, my friends, a generation of Link-Fu masters is born.

* Christina James was the first to submit Koonago Factory. Comments: Several judges picked this one. Dark, violent Japorn featuring tiny cartoon fairy-doll women? What's not to like? (NSFW rating: some nudity and grossness, but nothing Rotten-grade).
* Wayne Mercier submitted The International Trepanation Advocacy Group. Comments: Invisible Cowgirl says, "Because nothing says scary like I Got a Hole Drilled in My Head personal testimonials."
* Steve Lew submitted
Mutant Midget Interracial Lemon Porn. Comments: Xeni says, "Strange fruit. Mmmmmmm."
* Steve Mills submitted Coffee Table Wife. Comments: Warren Ellis liked it. Go figure.
* Lucas Emery submitted Aussie Scrotum Shop. Comments: Made Warren smile.
* Zach Rodgers submitted Ordo Magazine. Comments: Invisible Cowgirl says, "A beauty of a blog chock full of everything that's weird and wonderful on the web." (NSFW guide: Links to some sexually explicit stuff, but links to lots of other stuff, too).
* An anonymous Link-Fu Master submitted Jesus is With You Everywhere. Comments: Xeni liked the scary trucker picture.
* Peace Rug and Wholesome Swimsuits
came from from Judson. Comments: Mark thought they were weird, silly and fun. |
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Economist replies to Valenti on Broadcast Flag. Arnold Kling has a PhD in Economics from MIT, and took great umbrage at Jack Valenti's characterization of the Broadcast Flag decision at the FCC as a victory for consumers. He's written an open letter to Valenti in reply.
I will not buy any device for the purpose of receiving HDTV. Instead, I will gladly purchase devices that will route packets via the Internet Protocol over that spectrum. In the neighborhood of my house, IP packets will take precedence over HDTV signals.
I recommend that other consumers adopt the Jack Valenti Spectrum Re-allocation. I am talking about massive civil disobedience of the FCC. Remember, anyone who receives television over cable or satellite will give up nothing by assigning higher priority to IP packets. For anyone who misses broadcast television, it would be better to give them taxpayer dollars to subscribe to satellite TV than for consumers to pay the Broadcast Flag hardware tax.
By re-allocating spectrum from HDTV to wireless IP, we can kill two legacy birds with one stone. We can hasten the demise of the phone companies--because with a wireless "last mile" the wireless Internet can replace traditional land lines and cell phones; and we can show Jack Valenti, the movie industry, and the television industry what it really means to "score a big victory for consumers."
(Thanks, Donna!) |
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Fair Seuss on SCO. The Grinch Who Stole Linux:
SCO hated Linux! The GNU Linux season!
Now, please don't ask why. No one quite knows the reason.
It could be that their heads weren't screwed on quite right.
It could be, perhaps, that their shoes were too tight.
But I think that the most likely reason of all
May have been that their bank account was two sizes too small.
(Thanks, Ernie!) |
CNET News.com - Front Door
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W3C criticizes antirobot tests. Citing difficulties for the visually impaired, the Web's leading standards group gives a thumbs-down to tests designed to prevent software robots from harvesting information for spam schemes. |
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Briefly: Sprint keeps trucking with Wi-Fi. The cellular carrier hitches its wireless wagon to Truckstop.net...RealNetworks names Eric Benhamou to its board...Start-up doubles up on monitors. |
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FCC to begin VoIP inquiry. The Federal Communications Commission is set to start a yearlong investigation into the "appropriate regulatory environment" for Internet-based phoning services. |
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Finding the magic formula |
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The quest for better wireless security. Wireless security expert Leo Pluswick asks whether the emphasis on time to market and new features will undermine the pursuit of better mobile security. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
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Microsoft offers Windows Media Player 9 for OS X (MacCentral). MacCentral - Microsoft's Windows Media Web site now offers Windows Media Player 9 for Mac OS X for download. |
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Feature-Length Matrix Spoof to be Released Soon |
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Apple Makes no Profit from iTunes |
Hack the Planet
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Progress! NFS locking does not work between Panther clients and Linux servers because Panther uses 20-byte cookies and Linux only allows 8-byte cookies. This is a known problem. Here's the patch. |
InfoWorld: Top News
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Shareholders seek to block PeopleSoft refund program. A motion filed Thursday in an ongoing shareholder lawsuit against PeopleSoft Inc. seeks to block the company from offering customers a plan promising refunds if PeopleSoft is acquired by a company that disrupts its product development and support plans. |
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Paper finds new wireless standard less secure. A new paper by a leading security expert says that the new Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) security standard may be less secure, in certain scenarios, than WEP, the wireless standard it was designed to replace. |
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Senators object to Internet tax bill. The U.S. Senate failed to vote on a bill that would permanently ban Internet-only taxes after several senators raised questions about whether the bill would take current tax revenues away from states and local governments. |
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More rss feeds from SecurityFocus. News, Infocus, Columns, Vulnerabilities, Bugtraq ... |
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More rss feeds from SecurityFocus. News, Infocus, Columns, Vulnerabilities, Bugtraq ... |
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BugTraq: Re: POS#1 Self-Executing HTML: Internet Explorer 5.5 and 6.0 Part III. Sender: Kurt Seifried [bt at seifried dot org] |
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BugTraq: rpc remote return-into-libc exploit. Sender: Jack Trixter [trixterjack at yahoo dot com] |
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Vulnerabilities: Avaya Argent Office SNMP Authentication Mechanism Weaknesses. Argent Office is a telephony device, part of Avaya's Network Alchemy Network Series. The Argent Office includes a variety of functionality, including network-based manage... |
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Vulnerabilities: Avaya Argent Office Weak TFTP Password Encryption Algorithm Weakness. Argent Office is a telephony device, part of Avaya's Network Alchemy Network Series. The Argent Office includes a variety of functionality, including network-based manage... |
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Vulnerabilities: Avaya Argent Office Malformed DNS Packet Denial of Service Vulnerability. Argent Office is a telephony device, part of Avaya's Network Alchemy Network Series. The Argent Office includes a variety of functionality, including network-based manage... |
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Vulnerabilities: OpenSSL ASN.1 Large Recursion Remote Denial Of Service Vulnerability. OpenSSL is a freely available, open source implementation of Secure Socket Layer tools. It is available for the Unix, Linux, and Microsoft platforms.
A problem has been... |
29. |
Vulnerabilities: John Beatty Easy PHP Photo Album dir Parameter HTML Injection Vulnerability. A vulnerability has been reported in the software that may allow a remote attacker to execute HTML and script code in a user's browser. The issue is reported to be presen... |
NewsIsFree: Security
30. |
RE: Six Step IE Remote Compromise Cache Attack |