Boing Boing Blog
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Shirky on SemWeb. Clay Shirky has published a ringing denouncement of the Semantic Web, pointing out that this is a project that elides the hard bits and solves the easy bits -- it's not far off from the digital identity world, where 70 percent of the use cases are easy problems that could be solved with some new W3C form elements, and the remainder are deep, philosophical problems we've been arguing about since Roman times.
First, take some well-known problem. Next, misconstrue it so that the hard part is made to seem trivial and the trivial part hard. Finally, congratulate yourself for solving the trivial part.
All the actual complexities of matching readers with books are waved away in the first sentence: "You browse/query until you find a suitable offer to sell the book you want." Who knew it was so simple? Meanwhile, the trivial operation of paying for it gets a lavish description designed to obscure the fact that once you've found a book for sale, using a credit card is a pretty obvious next move...
No one who has ever dealt with merging databases would use the word 'simply'.
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Chimp filmstar turns to painting. JWZ just got the coolest birthday present ever: a painting painted by Cheeta, the chimp who played opposite Johnnie Weismuller in the Tarzan movies.

The artist is now 71 years old and living in Palm Springs, Florida, enjoying his new career as a painter.
His name is Cheeta, and he's the world's oldest living primate.
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Yahoo! News - Technology
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WPA Security Breach Discussed During Ratification (TechWeb). TechWeb - A security expert says WLAN vendors could easily prevent a new WPA security problem by providing simple tools. |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
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Hutchison settles row with KPN. Hutchison settles its row with KPN over funding for the 3 UK network by agreeing to buy the Dutch firm's 15% stake in the project. |
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Voyager 'edges Solar System'. Scientists say the Voyager I space probe is near the edge of the Solar System, 26 years after its launch. |
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Searching for the new, new thing. Some games are trying hard to break out of tired formats, says Daniel Etherington of BBCi Collective. |
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Users face malicious web attacks. Virus attacks on computers which do damage through HTML in e-mails and websites are set to increase, says a security expert. |
NewsIsFree: Security
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BT ordered to stop 'dirty tricks' |
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IBM warms to desktop Linux |
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Oracle Row Level Security: Part 1 |
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Your 99c belong to the RIAA - Steve Jobs |
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Telewest blames viruses for lost broadband users |
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Users look to redefine security approach |
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Employers want security certifications |
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Cryptography takes a quantum leap |
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As security concerns ease, businesses warm to Wi-Fi |
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Thwarted Linux backdoor hints at smarter hacks |
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Foolish CEOs flunk security test |
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Microsoft’s $5 mn bounty for hackers |
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Wireless Intrusion Detection Systems |
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Poor Wi-Fi passwords 'invite attack' |
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Business Integration for Games |