Boing Boing Blog
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Omnivorous Trees: Part 4. Here's another hungry tree. This one has a taste for rusty farm machinery. Link(thanks, Paul!)
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The mother lode of omnivorous trees. Here's the site of a guy so obsessed with "gluttonous trees" that he has a collection of pictures of them and a book, to boot. Don't you wish someone had trained a time-lapse movie camera at some of these trees? Links
Penny Arcade!
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Everybody's Favorite... Thing.  |
CNET News.com - Front Door
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VeriSign still needs ICANN |
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Interview with Jeremy Hogan of Red Hat |
InfoWorld: Top News
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Genome institute opens behavioral, social branch. The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) has formed the Social and Behavioral Research Branch (SBRB) to develop ways to translate discoveries from the Human Genome Project into methods of health promotion and disease prevention, and to counsel patients coping with genetic disorders. |
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Motorola blames phone shortages on camera components. BOSTON - Motorola Inc. hasn't been able to keep up with demand for its latest line of integrated camera phones due to component sourcing problems, but the company believes it has solved the problem in time for the holiday-shopping rush, it said Thursday. |
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Google seeks legal clarification on trademarks. Google Inc. has asked a U.S. District Court judge to rule that keyword-based advertisements on the Web search engine do not violate trademark law. |
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Yahoo pitching antispam initiative to industry. Yahoo Inc. has developed a system it says will go a long way toward curbing spam, but the technology's success is dependent on its widespread industry adoption beyond the borders of Yahoo's e-mail servers. |
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Sun adds meat to low-cost server line - Infoworld Staff. Sun Microsystems is sharpening its low-end server strategy with its first blade system based on a processor from AMD. |
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IBM refocuses software on specialized industries. IBM said this week that it will reorganize its software business, a move that will include shifting development efforts away from its five software brands and toward cross-brand application packages tailored for specialized industries. |
InfoWorld: Security
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Ridge calls on business for security blueprint. SANTA CLARA, CALIF. - Calling on the private sector to do its part in securing the U.S. computer network infrastructure, top
officials from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Wednesday warned members of the high technology industry that unless
they took concrete steps toward cybersecurity, their industry could face government regulation. |
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Array Networks falters where F5 flies in SSL VPN standoff - Infoworld Staff. For mobile and remote users, SSL VPNs are fast becoming the secure access of choice by IT professionals. They are easy to
implement, and because they work through your Web browser they negate the need for an IPSec-style client, making them easier
to deploy on a wide range of mobile devices. |
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Microsoft's patchwork security blanket - Infoworld Staff. A few days ago, I was asked whether a particular fact being used by an InfoWorld writer was reasonable. The fact, according
to the writer’s research, was that Microsoft has issued 60 patches to Windows and related software in the last 18 months.
In this case, the writer was referring to critical updates, not just the random (but important) patches that some users consider
more or less optional. ADVERTISEMENT: Get strong 128-bit SSL security for your online business - To secure your servers with 128-bit SSL encryption, download a copy of the free VeriSign Guide, "Securing Your Web site for Business." You'll learn everything you need to know about encrypting e-commerce transactions, securing corporate intranets, and authenticating your Web site.
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WallBotz makes monitoring datacenters a breeze - Infoworld Staff. NetBotz’s Linux-based WallBotz 500 is more than worth its price — comparable that of a high-end laptop — when it comes to
network management and datacenter monitoring. |
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VCN offers virtual network of peers - Infoworld Staff. Your choice of VPN needn’t be limited to mainstream IPSec or SSL solutions. One startup, IP Dynamics, provides a particularly
interesting alternative. The company’s Secure VCN (Virtual Community Network) is a carrier-class, software-based solution
that connects people and resources across geographic and technical boundaries. It requires no hardware at the end-user’s location
and provides secure end-to-end IP communication. |
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Should you outsource your VPN? - Infoworld Staff. Deploying your own site-to-site or remote user VPN can be a costly affair. It’s up to you to install, manage, and maintain
your VPN equipment, as well as to implement all of the various security policies. |
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Making the VPN connection - Infoworld Staff. When a VPN does its job correctly, remote users don’t notice it’s there. Packets move from site to site, user to user. Encryption
algorithms scramble the data and then safely unscramble it at the other end. Information flows. Work gets done. |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
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Vulnerabilities: ISC BIND Negative Cache Poison Denial Of Service Vulnerability. ISC BIND is a server program that implements the domain name service protocol. It is widely used on the Internet.
BIND has been reported prone to a DNS cache poisoning ... |
NewsIsFree: Security
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Turbolinux: glibc and rsync Multiple vulnerabilities |