Ars Technica
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Microsoft patenting new Office XML format. Microsoft is attracting renewed attention with its XML strategy as reports surface that Microsoft is applying for patents in the EU and New Zealand that detail how other applications can/should interoperate with MS Office XML formats. By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
Boing Boing Blog
2. |
New Red vs. Blue. There's a new episode of Red vs Blue online -- RvB being the machinima-animated comedy serial made by editing together screen-movies from the game Halo and overlaying a voice-track. This is a particularily good one -- I'm still chuckling.
(via Fark) |
3. |
Towards a non-evil social networking service. Within an hour of the launch of Orkut, Google's new YASNS (Yet Another Social Networking Service), I had written a mail filter that silently discarded invitations to join (it's the same filter that tosses out mail from Ryze, Friendster and all those other services, which drive me completely bonkers, since I already know who my friends are, am not actively trying to get laid, and don't need the "service" of having to risk offending near-strangers who want me to confirm some notional "friendship" between us a dozen times a day and I certainly can't think of a good reason to entrust some commercial outfit with my personal relationship data).
Do these things have to suck? Damnifiknow. I know that there's a bunch of stuff I'd like from a social network analysis of my own inbox, voicecalls, and so forth. Today, I have an iTunes playlist ("Old friends") that just plays highly rated songs that haven't been played in the past 30 days. Why not a smart to-do list that reminds me to email old friends that I haven't called or written in the last season (credit: Alice)? Hell, how about something that gives me a distinctive ringtone for calls from out-of-touch old pals and the option to define attention-grabbing behavior (a chime, a prioritization, coloring) when they email?
Foe Romeo talks about how Google could have launched a YASNS that actually provided a useful service that end-users could still control but that Google could add a lot of value to: a FOAF explorer:
Google would not create its own closed social network, Orkut, but would instead make FOAF one of its quick searches,
so that FOAF:Fiona Romeo would return my FOAF file as the primary
search result, with friend and location filtering options. (Content
about Fiona Romeo would also be returned but would be differentiated.)
Perhaps Google could add value by introducing a sense of authentication to FOAF, by indicating reciprocal links between FOAF files. I know that this result for Fiona Romeo is the correct one because her friends link to it. Oh, and I know that Matt Jones is really a friend of Fiona Romeo, because he says so too. (Plink, a FOAF search tool, gets this bit right.)
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What kind of people are companies?. Here's a good Kottke post about The Corporation, a Sundance-winning flick (with accompanying book) that considers the implications of treating companies as legal persons.
..the feature documentary employes a checklist, based on actual diagnostic criteria of the World Health Organization and DSM IV, the standard tool of psychiatrists and psychologists. What emerges is a disturbing diagnosis.
Self-interested, amoral, callous and deceitful, a corporation's operational principles make it anti-social. It breaches social and legal standards to get its way even while it mimics the human qualities of empathy, caring and altruism. It suffers no guilt. Diagnosis: the institutional embodiment of laissez-faire capitalism fully meets the diagnostic criteria of a psychopath.
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Kevin Sites returns to Iraq, new photos and essays from Baghdad.
NBC combat correspondent and weblogger Kevin Sites has returned to Iraq, and posts two new entries to his blog today: "Coming Home," an essay about the psychological challenge for soldiers to "turn off the killer switch" as they prepare to return to their families in the US -- and a photo essay, excerpted here.
"These families of a rural neighborhood called Albo Eatha, south of Baghdad, were awakened at dawn by the 82nd Airborne's Alpha Company, 2nd Platoon, so their houses could be searched and their cooperation requested in stopping insurgent activities. Despite the early hour, the woman and children seemed cheerful. The imposition became an opportunity for them to socialize -- while helicopters and jet fighters flew overhead."
Links: Photos: Women and Children of Albo Eatha, and Coming Home Essay. Discussion forum here.
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Screamingly funny lists of 5. Merlin Mann continues to post to his list of fives. I've blogged this before, but it keeps on getting funnier. It took me ten minutes to swallow my mouthful of tea while paging through this, because I was worried that I'd choke on the laughter. Someone should give Merlin a job writing for Mad Magazine. This is, character for character, the funniest goddamned page on the net.
Five possible reasons there's a stretch limo parked outside
1. Japanese businessmen are considering a leveraged buyout of the Sunset District
2. Little Laotian man around the corner is secretly a rich, hostile pimp
3. Someone's about to receive a giant, novelty-sized check from Ed McMahon
4. The 85-year-old man next door is about to get a Queer Eye makeover
5. I'm actually Bon Jovi
Five ways I tend to feel after speaking with Sprint's Customer Service
1. Like I was just traded to another inmate for 2 packs of menthol cigarettes
2. Like I've been slapped repeatedly with a half-frozen sturgeon
3. Like I've accidentally just agreed to finish the homework of every kid in my middle school
4. Like somewhere in a big Sprint building, there's a fat man with a monocle and a top hat smoking a cigar while dancing a jig and holding a fat bag of five-dollar bills with my bewildered face on it
5. Very, very unclean
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CNET News.com - Front Door
7. |
India to get a look at Windows code?. The software giant is in talks with the country's government to share the source code underlying its Windows operating system. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
8. |
Ericsson to Upgrade 3 U.S. Cellphone Networks (Reuters). Reuters - Swedish telecoms equipment maker
Ericsson said on Monday it had signed contracts to upgrade the
mobile phone networks of three rural telecoms operators in the
United States. |
9. |
EBay to Acquire German Auto Sale Site Mobile.de (Reuters). Reuters - Online auctioneer eBay Inc.
(EBAY.O) on Monday said it would acquire Mobile.de, a site for
auto sales ads in Germany, for 121 million euros ($152
million). |
10. |
Philips Creates Foldable Screens for E-Newspapers (Reuters). Reuters - Dutch firm Philips Electronics said
on Monday it was preparing to mass-produce a slim, book-sized
display panel onto which consumers could download newspapers
and magazines -- then roll up and put away. |
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All Encompassing Patents |
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Joel Rants About Resumes |
InfoWorld: Top News
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Interview: VoIP set to transform communications in the enterprise - Infoworld Staff. Voice over IP (VoIP) is set to transform telecommunications in the next five to 10 years. And with telecom companies moving their telephone calls from circuit-switched telephone networks to packet-based data, there have been calls for U.S. telecom regulatory policy to change as well. Neal Shact, CEO of CommuniTech, a telecommunications equipment vendor specializing in headsets, video, and audio teleconferencing equipment, spoke to InfoWorld Senior Analyst Wayne Rash about the FCC's hearings and what VoIP solutions in the enterprise are going to look like. |
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U.K. grants Bill Gates honorary knighthood. LONDON -- Microsoft Corp. Chairman and Chief Software Architect Bill Gates has been awarded an honorary Knighthood by the U.K.'s Queen Elizabeth II, the U.K. government announced Monday. |
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PeopleSoft calls Oracle's board nominees 'biased'. PeopleSoft Inc. has responded to Oracle Corp.'s announcement Friday that it may nominate five individuals to PeopleSoft's board of directors and call for the expansion of the board to nine members. |
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CA to release ARCserve Backup 11. Computer Associates International Inc. on Monday will release a new version of its Brightstor ARCserv Backup software designed to speed up backup and restore operations for departmental Microsoft Corp. users. |
17. |
Report: DOJ probing Blu-ray format group. The U.S. Department of Justice has begun a preliminary investigation into the activities of the group of companies developing and promoting the Blu-ray Disc format, according to a report in Sunday's online edition of the Wall Street Journal newspaper. |
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India outsourcers nonplussed by U.S. Senate restrictions. A bill passed by the U.S. Senate last week restricting federal government contractors from outsourcing work overseas is unlikely to have a significant impact on India's software and services companies, according to an executive of the National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM) in Delhi. ADVERTISEMENT: Get strong 128-bit SSL security for your online business - To secure your servers with 128-bit SSL encryption, download a copy of the free VeriSign Guide, "Securing Your Web site for Business." You'll learn everything you need to know about encrypting e-commerce transactions, securing corporate intranets, and authenticating your Web site.
19. |
IBM lays out collaboration plans - Infoworld Staff. IBM's Lotus Software will kick off its 11th annual Lotusphere user conference this week reiterating its J2EE and Web services-based collaboration mantra of the past few years. |
20. |
Big guns take Linux higher - Infoworld Staff. IBM, Novell, and Sun Microsystems bolstered Linux’s enterprise appeal last week by detailing present and future products at the LinuxWorld Conference & Expo in New York. |
21. |
Execs, gov't leaders discuss strategies to combat outsourcing. LONDON -- Fear of China's and India's growing strengths as outsourcing and development centers permeated the U.K. government's enterprise conference in London Monday, where top technology executives and government leaders met to discuss strategies for developing more business at home. |
22. |
TruSecure announces early warning system. TruSecure Corp. unveiled a new software product on Monday combining software vulnerability detection and remediation using information from TruSecure's IntelliShield threat and vulnerability intelligence service. |
InfoWorld: Security
23. |
TruSecure announces early warning system. TruSecure Corp. unveiled a new software product on Monday combining software vulnerability detection and remediation using
information from TruSecure's IntelliShield threat and vulnerability intelligence service. |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
24. |
BugTraq: NextPlace.com E-Commerce ASP Engine. Sender: Rafel Ivgi, The-Insider [theinsider at 012 dot net dot il] |
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BugTraq: Self-Executing FOLDERS: Windows XP Explorer Part V. Sender: http-equiv at excite dot com [1 at malware dot com] |
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BugTraq: Serv-U ftp 4.2 site chmod long_file_name exploit. Sender: Qianwei Hu [a1476854 at hotmail dot com] |
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Vulnerabilities: QMail-SMTPD Long SMTP Session Integer Overflow Denial of Service Vulnerability. qmail is a popular Mail Transfer Agent (MTA).
A vulnerability has been reported to exist in qmail-smtpd that may allow a remote attacker to cause a denial of service con... |
28. |
Vulnerabilities: ELM frm Command Remote Buffer Overflow Vulnerability. ELM is a mail user agent for unix.
A buffer overflow vulnerability has been reported to exist in ELM e-mail client that may allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary ... |
29. |
Vulnerabilities: Sun Solaris modload() Unauthorized Kernel Module Loading Vulnerability. Sun has reported a vulnerability in the Solaris kernel that may permit unprivileged local users to load arbitrary kernel modules. The source of the problem is reportedly... |
The Register
30. |
Smart phones outsold PDAs 2:1 last quarter. Q4 good for PDA makers, even better for Nokia |
Help Net Security
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HNS Newsletter issue 197 has been released |
32. |
The voodoo that Dumaru doesn’t do too well… |
33. |
Introduction to OpenVPN |
34. |
Zip file encryption compromise thrashed out |
35. |
We'll kill spam in two years - Gates |
NewsIsFree: Security
36. |
Cherokee Error Page Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability |
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Mandrake update for slocate |
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Mandrake update for jabber |
39. |
Q-Shop SQL Injection and Cross Site Scripting Vulnerabilities |
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TinyServer Multiple Vulnerabilities |
41. |
IBM Net.Data Error Message Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability |
42. |
Mbedthis AppWeb HTTP Request Denial of Service Vulnerabilities |
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NetWare Enterprise Web Server Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability |
44. |
Gallery Arbitrary File Inclusion Vulnerability |
45. |
Infiltration of files seen as extensive |
46. |
Analysts call for hold on military e-voting |
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Philips And IBM Join Forces In RFID Marketplace |
48. |
Bagle-Type Threats on the Rise? |
49. |
Elsewhere: IBM and Philips team on radio tags |
50. |
Elsewhere: Security breach on Capitol Hill: It's criminal |
51. |
News: We'll kill spam in two years - Gates |
52. |
News: The voodoo that Dumaru doesn?t do too well? |
53. |
HNS Newsletter issue 197 has been released |
54. |
The voodoo that Dumaru doesn’t do too well… |
55. |
Introduction to OpenVPN |
56. |
Zip file encryption compromise thrashed out |
57. |
We'll kill spam in two years - Gates |