Nippon Goro Goro : Rumblings from Japan and, occasionally, other parts of NE Asia & the NW Pacific Ocean region.
Updated: 6/26/2006; 9:11:16 PM.


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USN basing decision to be purely military. [Radio Australia]

The Pentagon is pushing for a greater military presence in the Pacific and next Monday it will formally put that request to the U.S. Congress. A loss of land bases in Asia and the rise of China as a military power has led many in Washington to call for a shift of naval resources from the East Coast to the Pacific.


PRC ban for geisha flick. [BBC]

Hollywood film Memoirs of a Geisha is banned in China after coming in for criticism in the country's media.


Konica Minolta doubles quarterly profit (AFP).

An employee of the Japanese camera giant Konica Minolta displays a new single lens reflex (SLR) digital camera, in Tokyo, in July 2005. Konica Minolta said its net profit more than doubled in the third quarter despite a slump in traditional camera sales but that it still expects a big full-year loss as it restructures.(AFP/File/Yoshikazu Tsuno)Konica Minolta says net profit more than doubled in the third quarter despite a slump in traditional camera sales but that it still expects a big full-year loss as it restructures.


Two Koreas discuss visit by Kim Dae-jung to DPRK. [Reuters]

North and South Korea are in talks to allow former South Korean President Kim Dae-jung to visit the North in April, as regional powers try to persuade Pyongyang to give up its nuclear weapons programs.


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