Nippon Goro Goro : Rumblings from Japan and, occasionally, other parts of NE Asia & the NW Pacific Ocean region.
Updated: 6/26/2006; 9:13:22 PM.


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The Internet Traffic Report.

Engrish doesn't get any better than this!



Sony fears on Playstation launch (BBC).
Playstation 3 console looks like it won't hit the market as soon as predicted.


E-mail leaked by DPJ, which came from a free-lance journalist, purporting to reveal money transfer from Livedoor founder to LDP politician's son, appears to be a fake.



Aum cult guru and convicted mass murderer Shoko Asahara apparently only makes humming sound and refuses to establish eye contact with his lawyers. But he's sane, say shrinks, and thus fit to hang.


Sega plans billion dollar video game "Broadway" on Yokohama watefront.



International rescuers, from Malaysia, Taiwan and U.S. Marines (31st MEU) from Okinawa, race against time to try to save any of the several hundred children who might still be alive in Philippines school at village buried by landslide.


JAL to dismiss directors (AFX).

Japan Airlines wants to oust four group directors who called for coup against the troubled airline's president.


Japan could be producing prototype of American's petabyte storage device in "two to three years."


Part of the track of Tokyo's most popular commuter rail route, the Yamanote Line, found to be sinking -- forcing partial cutback of train service today.


Guam gearing up for boon of invasion of thousands of U.S. Marines who will move to the island from Japan.


Minor volcanic eruption on Miyake-jima.


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