Nippon Goro Goro : Rumblings from Japan and, occasionally, other parts of NE Asia & the NW Pacific Ocean region.
Updated: 6/26/2006; 9:14:59 PM.


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U.S. Army defector Charles Jenkins, who spent most of his adult life in North Korea, claims the Stalinist state pointed missiles at Japan and that other American war vets are still in the North.


PRC-Japan Maritime Talks End Without Sign of Progress. [VOA]

Japan and China still seek arrangement that will allow for joint exploitation of energy supplies in the region.


DPRK shipping company could sue Australia over drug charges. [Radio Australia]

A North Korean shipping company is considering suing the Australian Government after its senior officers were cleared of drug trafficking. A Supreme Court in the Australian state of Victoria has acquitted the captain and three senior officers of importing 150-kilograms of heroin in April 2003. The case drew worldwide attention, amid suggestions that the smuggling onboard the Pong Su had the backing of Pyongyang. The U-S government has long examined allegations of North Korea sanctioning illicit activities.


Anti-Discrimination Law Sought in Japan (AP).

Aku Sakai, center, a representative of the Ainu Association of Hokkaido, speaks to reporters as other representatives of Japan's minorities groups look on during a press conference in Tokyo Tuesday, March 7, 2006. Japan needs a broad anti-discrimination law to stop rampant violations of the human rights of minorities and foreigners they said. At right is Shigeyuki Kumisaka, president of Buraku Liberation League. (AP Photo/Koji Sasahara)Minority activists say Japan needs a broad anti-discrimination law to help stop rampant violations of the human rights of Ainu, burakumin, ethnic Koreans, etc.


Quake data fabrication scandal spreads to Hokkaido.


USA, Japan Disagree Over Military Realignment Agreement Issues. [VOA]

Washington thought it had a deal last October, when it jointly announced an agreement with Tokyo on realignment of US military forces in Japan. But Japan's government has  a different spin on that.


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