Nippon Goro Goro : Rumblings from Japan and, occasionally, other parts of NE Asia & the NW Pacific Ocean region.
Updated: 6/26/2006; 9:15:43 PM.


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North Korea urges US to change "biased" nuclear policy (AFP).

The Yongbyon nuclear facility in North Korea. North Korea has urged the United States to change its North Korea urges the United States to change its "biased" nuclear policy against the Stalinist state, insisting on its right to peaceful nuclear activities.


Japan-CNMI (Saipan Tribune).

Japanese company looking at Saipan as space launch base.


United States formally asks Japan to resume beef imports.


Japanese Prince Says Wife's Health Better (AP).

Crown Prince Naruhito says the health of his wife, Masako, is improving but that she is not well enough to join him on an official trip to Mexico next week.


Japan-Stimulants (Mainichi Shimbun)

An 82-year-old Japanese man is arrested for using speed. He apparently has been addicted for 20 years.


USA Rejects Financial Talks With DPRK (AP).

International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Mohamed ElBaradei. The decision to refer Iran to the UN over its nuclear weapons ambitions is viewed with scepticism by experts who have followed North Korea's more advanced nuclear threat(AFP/Dieter Nagl)The United States rejects a North Korean proposal to open talks on financial issues, at a time when Pyongyang blames U.S. accusations of counterfeiting and money laundering for its decision to halt nuclear disarmament talks.


Cop smoking on train belts griper (Kyodo).
A Japanese police sergeant has been arrested on suspicion of beating a man who had warned him against smoking on a train.


Iwo Jima battle veterans pay tribute to war dead (Stars and Stripes).
Men once hellbent on killing one another gathered on Iwo Jima in peace to pay tribute to the more than 27,000 comrades who never walked away. 


ROK seeks Nigeria's support to clinch UN top job (AFP).

South Korea formally sought Nigeria's support for its Foreign Minister Ban Ki-Moon, seen here on 07 March, who has declared his candidacy to replace Kofi Annan as United Nations secretary general.(AFP/File/Jung Yeon-Je)South Korea formally sought Nigeria's support for its Foreign Minister Ban Ki-Moon who has declared his candidacy to replace Kofi Annan as United Nations secretary general.


Window cracks on JAL flight. [AP]

A Japanese airliner carrying 447 people from Tokyo to Guam had to return to Japan shortly after takeoff when a cockpit window cracked.


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