Nippon Goro Goro : Rumblings from Japan and, occasionally, other parts of NE Asia & the NW Pacific Ocean region.
Updated: 7/1/2006; 5:53:52 AM.


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Influential USA Senators Call for Direct DPRK Talks. [VOA]

Republican Senator Richard Lugar says direct talks may be the best way to bring a diplomatic solution to the North Koren missile test situation.


Japan has ambitious plan to fight warming (AP).

Japan hopes to slash greenhouse gas emissions and fight global warming with a revolutionary plan to pump carbon dioxide into underground storage reservoirs instead of releasing it into the atmosphere.


Blix touts Indonesia as possible mediator in DPRK. [Radio Australia]

Former U-N chief weapons inspector Hans Blix suggests a new international player to mediate in the North Korean nuclear & missile crises: Indonesia.


Israel, answering U.S. plea, takes on Japan on whaling issue.


High-profile daughter of famous Tokyo cosmetic surgeon kidnapped and held for ransom is released. Three men, including a Korean and a Chinese, have been arrested this morning.


Eighteen months after killer tsunami, detection network in Indian and Pacific oceans is expanding.


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