I used to send a "letter to the editor" to the News & Record about as often as their one-every-thirty-days limit would allow. After I started this weblog I found that I could satisfy my need to let people know how I felt about things here... and with unlimited frequency. But let's face it - the N&R's Letters page reaches just a few more people than this blog.
Last Monday when William Parson slighted my neighborhood (scroll down) in a letter to the editor, I wrote a response on this site. However, because I wanted more than eight people to know what I felt about what Mr. Parson had to say, I copied and pasted that blog entry and sent it to the N&R's Letters department.
It was published this morning.
I signed the letter: "David Hoggard - www.hoggsblog.com" . When it was published it came out like this: "David Hoggard - Greensboro". You can't say I didn't at least try to get more N&R readers into the blogoshere.
Another observation: The N&R has a policy that it will not knowingly "print letters that have been submitted to other publications". They either a) waived this restriction... or b) don't consider a weblog to be a publication that falls under their restrictions... or c) the editorial staff has quit reading HoggsBlog on a regular basis and didn't know the letter was a duplication.
Anyone from the N&R care to comment? ... and no... I'll not tell you who the "community leader" is - but it did happen.
5:47:21 AM  