I'm outtahere... I'm leaving lot's of unfinished business here in GSO, mainly in my civic/volunteer world but that's not what pays the bills.
No laptop yet but I'm getting an education on the subject so I should be back and blogging by Monday. After talking to Cone and others, it looks like I'll be weaning my blog off of Radio Userland because of its lack of portability, so changes are afoot.
I got another call from another restoration contractor down in Charlotte this morning who is need of my services so perhaps investors won't be needed after all. I have three projects ongoing here in the Triad and my Jinni is going to help with those as well as keep the homefires burning - she's a pretty good handywoman in her own right, just a little out of the groove.
I'll be commenting around the Guilford blogosphere, so go read what they have to say. In the meantime....
Open thread below... what's on your mind?
9:58:14 AM  