Another great day at the festival today. Overcast conditions and threatening rain didn't deter the spectators or flyers. The northerly breeze was stronger than yesterday with some pretty big gusts that got the vechiles (trucks and tractors) we used for anchors bouncing on their suspension. There were lots of kites in the air, lots of buggies on the field, and lots of happy spectators.

 Buggy rides are always popular. There were queues of kids and adults alike all afternoon. Roy was only using a 1.6m c-quad when I took this picture and was still getting plenty of power from the strong northerly wind.
 This festival was not without its world firsts.... nuf said.
 Where did that buggy come from?
 The man himself, Peter Lynn. Legendary kite designer and the inventor of the kite buggy. Seen here in his wonderful monster buggy entertaining the crowd with his new prototype kite the 'f-arc'.
 And this is the F-Arc. Designed to be a 'cross-over' kite which can be used for buggy, kiteboard, surfing, jumping, or whatever. Its big feature is its huge de-power and smooth power delivery. By all accounts this is an amazing kite.
 The back-end of a gaint spin-sock.
 Ever tickled a gaint Gecko's belly? Heres your chance.
 The gaint Gecko takes to the air.
 The blowfish is alot of fun for kids and apparently he likes having his belly scratched.
 Ever wondered what kitemakers do with all those leftover bits of kite fabric? They sew them all together and make more kites of course!
 The Ray and its prey!
 A business end of the trillobyte.
 The whole trillobyte.
 Hootie the blowfish had a couple of new friends today.
 A view of the field from the hills.
Another successful festival and I'm sore, my buggy is bent, and I can't wait till next year!
8:59:34 PM