I had to take Kaycee (my dog) to the Vet this morning. About a week ago she somehow ripped a claw and was left with a very sore toe. It was healing nicely and a new claw was starting to grow. She had been keeping it very clean and I thought we had escaped a Vet visit, until yesterday. When I got home I noticed she was favouring that leg again and upon investigation found that the toe was very swollen, and purple, and looking very sore. It was no better this morning so work was put off and away to Kaycee least favourite place. They always remember it too. It must be 18 months since we'd been there but she knew as soon as I pulled into the carpark!
I was very proud. Kaycee put her head in my arm pit and stood as still as she could, (apart from the uncontrollable trembling) while the Doc trimed her all her claws, poked and proded her sore toe, took her temperature (you know where), and gave her a vacination jab. She then sat like a well trained K9, while the Vet explained to me how to give her a foot bath twice a day, and get her to take two anti-biotic tablets with her kibble.
So now she's home, living the high-life dogs-life. Sleeping on the bed all day, getting regular paw-baths, and of course getting fed twice a day instead of once, because the two tablets have to be taken with food. I've also found they need to be crushed into a fine powder and smothered in tomato sauce before she'll even sniff them. After ten days of this she'll be spoilt. ...oh wait, she already was ; )
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