I spent the morning in the garden planting things. Its coming together nicely. The seeds I planted last week are beginning to emerge. Each day now theres something new popping up. I've devised a way to keep the birds from digging up the new seedlings consisting of young bamboo shoots (acquired from a neighbours garden rubbish) gently bent over in semi-circles covered in bird netting. Plants and seeds will stay covered with these until they are big enough that a blackbird can't uproot them while digging for worms.
Springs bulbs are now flowering all over the place; a sure sign that spring is indeed here.
Of course Kaycee's help was invaluable. She supervised all morning from the sunniest spots in the garden.
As I write this I have a big pot of vegetable and pasta soup simmering on the coal range, a dish full of pumpkin, garlic, onion, celery, carrots and potatoes roasting inside it, and the last of the laundry drying on the rack above it, all powered by burning the plum tree prunings I cut up this afternoon. Who needs electrickery anyway? Its smells dam good to. Time to go make some gravy and warm some bread rolls.
7:12:37 PM