I can't resist a good second-hand shop these days. There's one on the main road through Motueka that I'd been meaning to stop at for a while now. Today on my way home I did. There was a neat little two-seater couch on the footpath outside that caught my eye. Its the perfect size and colour for my place and I ended up buying it and bringing it home with me, to replace the two tatty, old, mismatched armchairs I have. I got it for $125 with a toastie pie maker (that I can use on the coal range) thrown in to sweeten the deal.
I also met Santa. I know you all think he lives at the North Pole all year making toys but I know better. He hides out in a second hand shop in Motueka, and is a great conversationalist. I chatted with Nick for an hour or so while I browsed through all the cool stuff in the shop. He didn't seem surprised at all when I asked if I could take his portrait, in fact he grinned and quickly ducked upstairs to get his hat. Something tells me he had his picture taken a few times before....
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