(click for 1024x768 desktop wallpaper)
I haven't posted for a day or two thanks to a wee spyware problem. Thought I was too smart to need a antispyware program, and I did get away with it for a very long time... but I got hit, and after half a day chasing it, I just reformatted and started again. I keep most of my 'work' server-side anyway, so it was no big loss, just time to get back to blogging.
So as a catchup here's a slice of photography from the last three days of life on this planet.
(click for 1024x768 desktop wallpaper) These gulls shared my fish and chips on the waterfront. I couldn't resist a portrait or two. I like gulls.
(click for 1024x768 desktop wallpaper) *sigh* ....another summers day.
(click for 1024x768 desktop wallpaper) ...and a couple from the garden. My sweetcorn is chest-high and hairy now.
(click for 1024x768 desktop wallpaper) The top of one of my gourd vines. Amazing climbers...
9:20:23 PM