There were some good guesses after yesterdays post but no one got it. I now own this beautiful piece of cycling technology. So what am I going to use it for? Some great exercise, some part time work, and a bit of pocket money. Nelson is a particularly popular place for tourists during summer, but right now there are no Pedicabs operating here. I probably won't be doing to much with it until next summer. I've got some paperwork and one or two mechcanical mods to do to it first. It also came with a larger canopy than the currently attached one. When fitted it will look like this one (except mine canopys are all black). Kaycee got to be the first to try it out as a passenger.
Unfortunatly we couldn't ride far because I have injured my back due to
a combination of a bad motel bed, and trying to lift the pedicab into
the van cold. I can barely walk so this photo was posed. (btw, some of
you may notice I'm missing my beard in this photo. I shaved it off
yesterday just for a change.)
9:59:08 PM