A visitor emailed me with comments on my Liberal Christians post, sharing his experience in an LDS ward somewhere in Middle America. People whose politics or skin tone don't conform to the standard Mormon categories are sometimes made to feel less than fully welcome, it seems. Here is part of my response:
I don't quite understand why the Church continues to move to the right politically and theologically, but it is in some ways a recent development. Just a few years ago Utah elected a Democratic governor for two terms! (Scott Matheson, in the 70s and 80s). That would almost be unthinkable today. I don't really like the term "liberal Mormon" (a liberal Mormon is a conservative anything else), but I don't have a better one and everyone seems to know who the term refers to. I don't think there's any formal policy to drive liberal Mormons out of the Church, but increasingly some liberal Mormons seem to feel unwanted and unwelcome in the Church. I don't think it's intended, but I can see why some feel that way.
11:10:54 PM