Psychology Blog

October 2004
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 Friday, October 22, 2004
U.N.: Robot Use to Surge Sevenfold by 2007 (AP). AP - The use of robots around the home to mow lawns, vacuum floors, pull guard duty and perform other chores is set to surge sevenfold by 2007, says a new U.N. survey, which credits dropping prices for the robot boom. [Yahoo! News: Technology]
9:12:16 AM    

Internet Safety: Psychologist Says. Teens need cyber boundaries. "Most kids are using most of the tools and toys that they have sensibly," said Robert Kraut, a Carnegie Mellon University social psychologist who studies human-computer interaction. "The computer is one they can get infatuated with.... [About Psychology]
9:11:04 AM    

Children and Feelings. The "How Do You Feel?" coloring and activity booklet helps young children better understand and recognize feelings as a part of their emotional well being. It also encourages children to share their feelings with adults. Check it out.... [About Psychology]
9:10:38 AM    

Mouse Study Upends Theory of Down Syndrome's Cause [Scientific American]
9:05:08 AM    

Scientists gingerly tap into brain's power. A 25-year-old quadriplegic sits in a wheelchair with wires coming out of a bottle-cap-size connector stuck in his skull. ... [CogNews]
9:00:24 AM