Monday, January 12, 2004

Linux Notebook Adventures 2

Day 1 and did some polish on my new Redhat notebook. 

First thing was Powerpoint imports turned out to be less than satisfactory when opening a fair number more ppts.  The problem was due to not having Microsoft TrueType fonts available.  Fortunately, problem was solved by who explained and provided scripts to install them.  The only change I appear to have to make now with imported PPT's, is edit the master template and re-apply the bullets which don't seem to translate. 

Next was minor polish.  I needed to install a JRE for Mozilla and Mozilla Firebird (and I installed Mozilla Firebird because I like its browsing experience better than Mozilla 1.5).  To finish off, installed Flash

Next on the list is Qarbon Viewlet builder which I often use to show demos/features both internally and externally.  Fortunately, they too are available on Redhat.

Still stuck on Radio Userland and am considering moving based on Mark Rittman's comment.  

Probably the big public test will be when I co-deliver the ODD Web Services Oracle Developer Days next week in Bellevue Washington with a couple other folks here.  Should be entertaining!

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