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Thursday, April 15, 2004

Last Saturday I finished reading Mirror, Mirror by Gregory Maguire. Maguire is the author of Wicked and Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister, reinterpretations of classic tales (The Wizard of Oz and Cinderella, respectively).

Mirror, Mirror is of course in the same genre, a reinterpretation of Snow White.

Maguire's riffs on classic tales have a depth and complexity that go far beyond the often two-dimensional caricatures n the originals. He accomplishes this first by providing the context of a much richer setting (Wicked described the political complexities of the Land of Oz; Mirror, Mirror takes place in 16th-century Italy with all the requisite intrigue of corrupt Popes and warring royal families). But he also chooses a new protagonist, often the villain of the orginal story, and recasts that person as a sympathetic character. Or at least the most interesting character.

In this case, by far the character with the most depth and complexity is Lucrezia Borgia, the "wicked queen" (though not exactly a queen) who through circumstances take on guardianship for Bianca de Nevada (literally "the white of the snowy mountains") when Lucrezia's brother Cesare sends Bianca's father off on a quest for an ancient religious relic.

We get to see how Lucrezia learns to resent Bianca and eventually despise her enough to want to kill her. That is by far the most interesting part of the story.

This book is somewhat differnet fromt he predecessors in that it doesn't stay with Lucrezia's point of view; instead is switches quickly between Lucrezia, Bianca, her father, and the dwarves. I found that a bit overwhelming, and in the end I think Maguire had difficulty bringing any of the characters to closure. I found the end to be unsatisfying, but as a whole the book was still a fun and entertaining read -- if not quite up to the standard set by the first two of the genre.

1:00:57 AM    ; comment []

Last night my Mom found out that she lost the election for school board.

I'm absolutely dumbfounded. The voters of St. Helena let a rich, unqualified businesswoman (and a poor businesswoman at that) buy the election. She couldn't be bothered to read the bylaws, and sheI is by all appearances uninterested in doing anything to forward the interests of the Hispanic kids in the school district. . She also has no understanding of the (often complex) rules and regulations covering the California public school system, and that will get her and the board in trouble in short order. During the campaign she had no specific ideas on how to make anything better.

Well, the voters are going to get what they deserve. Now there are no educators on the school board, and they have one very incompetent board member.

I didn't get a chance to talk to my mom today, becasue she and my dad are on ther way to San Diego to celebrate ther 40th wedding anniversary (way to go, mom and dad!) I hope (and expect) that she realizes that this is a blessing in disguise, and that now she can let the school district be other people's concern and enjoy life more. Moreover, I hope she doesn't take it personally; it's all stupid small-town politics, and doubly so for being a small town where there is a huge disparity between the have's and the have-not's.

12:36:22 AM    ; comment []

A bittersweet last day in Maui.

My sister called early this morning. It was the first time I'd talked to her since her son was born last week. Charlie is doing great, as are mom and dad. I'm looking forward to going down to California in May or June to see my nephew! We chatted for about 45 minutes, then I showered and headed off for breakfast.

I got a call on my cell phone during breakfast, from my good friends Sean and April. I thought they wanted to discuss baseball (I talked them into managing one of the teams in my fantasy baseball league) and I didn't want to be rude to my fellow restaurant patrons, so I asked if I could call them back in half an hour. I finished up and headed to the waterfront to find a lovely lawn chair and call them back.

Well, it turns out that our good friends Holly and Shiraz, who were expecting their first child around the same time as my sister, lost their baby. Sean and April, being the awesomely wonderful friends that they are, are relieving Holly and Shiraz of the unending torture of having to repeatedly tell everyone what happened by calling people (like me) for them.

Needless to say, my thoughts have been with Holly nad Shiraz for the rest of the day. We have so little control over life and death in this world -- it makes me appreciate the life I have so much more, and it makes me miss my kids (they are off with their mom on spring break -- they come back on Sunday).

12:12:06 AM    ; comment []

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