Last Thursday I flew back from the U.K. I was home in Bellevue for about 10 minutes, then jumped back in my car and headed for the San Juans for a long weekend with some friends. Cars, planes, and ferries. But lots of time for reading.
Last week was the San Juan County Fair. We had a great time. Highlights for us were the Horse Games, the Chicken and Rabbit Races, and of course the Zucchini 500.
Here's how the chicken and rabbit races work. the organizers mark two concentric circles. contestants stand inside the inner circle, and when the whistle blows, they let loose their animal. The first animal that crosses the outer circle wins. Owners can yell, scream and otherwise try to cajole their animal to move toward the finish line, but they must stay within the inner circle (other than to pick up their animal and start over again).
The Zucchini 500 is run on the skateboard park adjacent to the fairgrounds. They place a large ramp with two slots down one of the slopes; the start line is at the top of the ramp, and the finish line is about 10 feet past the bottom of the ramp. Contestants build racecars and compete against each other. There are two categories: cars that have an entire zucchini, and cars that have some piece of zucchini on them. Both young and old enter and compete head-to-head, and it's all great fun.
This is what small county fairs are all about, and what makes them wonderful.
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