Here's a post on Slashdot pointing to another post where you can read a classic essay by Gerald Weinberg with some advice for programmers. This is good advice for all of us who work hard and travel much. You need to read the article, but the essence of it is that we should all look after our own long term health. It's a way to prepare for professional advancement. It's also a way to prepare for long term happiness (perhaps more important).
Classic Gerald Weinberg Essay Reprinted. danielread writes "Programmer abuse has been a popular topic recently, especially within the gaming industry. However, excessive overtime and overwork are not new problems for software professionals. Twenty years ago, acclaimed author Gerald Weinberg wrote an essay called 'Personal Chemistry and the Healthy Body,' which is as relevant for programmers today as it was two decades ago. Given this topic's recent resurgence, Mr. Weinberg was generous enough to let developer.* Magazine reprint this classic essay." [Slashdot]
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