Updated: 9/2/08; 7:23:33 AM.
Gary Mintchell's Feed Forward
Manufacturing and Leadership.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Aside from the usual new products and technology discussions, two important themes for NI Week include education and "green." Yesterday I reported from a discussion on education (and more in the September editorial I'm about to write for Automation World). Right now I'm at a panel on green. The panelists are all people actively engaged in green engineering projects. One problem brought up is the lack of standards for utilities and applications. People are thinking about what the future holds. We need to look broadly for energy sources and look locally for things you can do one piece at a time (e.g., no more styrofoam in the NI cafeteria). Business challenges include people, standards, side effects of technologies, know what matters and scientific basis of the problem, low cost sensing.

4:16:48 PM    comment []

I'm beginning to read about WiFi on airplanes. There was speculation American would do it, but Delta just announced it would within several months. Now...if they would just take a row of seats out so that we could actually get our laptops out and use them.

7:21:14 AM    comment []

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