Updated: 11/23/05; 6:35:18 PM.
Joshua's Journal
Afloat in a rather nice boat.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Below is an un-truncated version of my posting to Atrios' web log.

I'll tell you, I think what works in ending something like this is the equivalent of targeted economic sanctions. If youwant to end the war, trash your current car so you can get the insurance moeny to buy a new car (a blow to auto insurance, which raises rates and lowers desireability of automobiles, thus impacting the oil industry), and then with the money you buy a diesel volkswagen or benz, and go to www.greasecar.com and get the grease car mods made to your diesel. Now you are driving on straight veggie oil which is wonderfully green, usually free (any retaurant will pay you to get rid of their grease for them.), and undermines the oil industry.

Then you get 3 people to do the same, print bumper stickers, etc...

Now, go to real goods (www.realgoods.com) and buy a sunfrost refrigerator. These use a fraction of the electricity of regualr refrigerators. Thus, further undermining the oil industry.

Now, buy your winter clothes from patagonia, which uses only recycyled plastic in their fleece sportswear. Thus, reducing the use of oil in each garment manufactured, and thus undermining the oil industry.

Next, replace your tv with a flat panel, which uses a fraction of the electricity of a regular tv, thus etc... etc... Get the idea so far?

finaly, replace all your lighting with 12 volt dc quartz halogens, available most conveniently from Ikea. These use less electricity and... you got it.

The idea is to cut the enemy (the oil industry and the despots who serve them who's war this is) every where you can. cause them to leak money, which for a corporation is like bleeding. For details of why, see the book of five rings bby miyamoto musashi, which has a great chapter on fighting giants armed with extra long swords using a similar technique.

When the World Trade Center was destroyed, and the surrounding neighborhood mostly abandoned, the price of electricity in the surrounding region went down a few cents a kilowatt for a few months. The reason was that a population equalt to a city the size of boston had just been wiped off the grid, and there attendant power requirements went with the them. Ultimately, all wars are economic wars, it's merely the different phases that involve various different kinds of weapons. at one stage it's sanctions, at a nother bullets. if you oppose the war, you are engaged in the moral equivalent of war against everything that furthers the war. The purposes (the REAL purposes) behind the war are: 1 - to secure a route for building a pipeline from azerbaijan to the persian gulf for the last major reserves in russia and central asia

2 - to punish countries that have been selling oil in Euros, rather than dollars, in defiance of enforced US policy. You all remember petro-dollars, right? The one thing all the so called axis of evil states have in common is they had broken ranks and were accepting Euros for payment, or they were buying with euros. Since the petro-dollar is what has kept our currency afloat since the Nixon administration, the government certaiinly regards this as an area of vital interest.

If you dramatically reduce you energy consumption, and use every possible means at your disposal, no matter how obnoxious to influence others to do the same, you will have profound economic impact on exactly the segment of our economy that is prosecuting the war.
6:53:29 PM    comment []

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