Sunday, September 11, 2005

Closing the US Open

With the US Open now over and Roger Federer having beaten Andre Agassi for the championship, tennis fans will no longer have to endure those annoying Lexus commercials featuring Andy Roddick, the celebrity endorsement whore of tennis.

Nor will we have to watch this commercial (I've seen it so many times that I've memorized it):

A young man approaches a young woman from behind, whispers something in her ear.  Shocked, she spins around and tries to slap him, but he adroitly ducks out of the way.

MAN: Nice swing.
WOMAN: Nice reflexes.
MAN (recognizing): Tennis.
WOMAN: Every weekend.  You?
MAN: Twice a week.
WOMAN (grudging smile): I can tell.
VOICE-OVER ANNOUNCER: Get fit, have fun, make friends.  Log on to

What they mean, of course, is "Get laid, have fun, make friends."

In tennis scoring, Love stands for zero.  Obviously the same isn't true of sex.

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