JCP released the EJB 3.0 Early Release Draft 2 Specification. You can download the spec from the JSR 220 Page.
Here are some notable changes in the spec since Early Draft Release that was released JavaOne last year:
The persistence API has a separate spec than from the core EJB spec
The new spec is much more descriptive than the earlier earlier
Meta Annotations are comprehensive for all type of beans
Defines the life cycle enhancements and callback listeners for all type of beans
Defines interceptors for Session beans and MDBs
Interoperability with EJB 2.x
Here are some notable changes in the persistence side since the last draft specification
The persistence API looks comprehensive and details about EntityManager API
Comprehensive O-R Mapping Annotations
Provide details about EJB-QL enhancements
Native SQL Queries
Please send your feedback on the specification to
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