Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Here it is, a simple tool to let you create your own RSS file.  The post explains why you would want it and how to use it.

Dan Bricklin: "I've just posted the 1.0 version of my ListGarden RSS Generator Program." [Scripting News]

2:50:59 PM  #  
Net, tech to juice up global entertainment market. PwC says online ads, broadband, mobile communications, and other tech areas will help ring curtain down on years of slow growth. [CNET News.com]
2:45:46 PM  #  
Alan Adler of the AAP has posted a Q&A on e-reserves and the necessary hoops professors/institutions must jump in order to provide to their students.  As was made clear at the May conference, the publishers consider e-reserves to be another name for coursepaks and are watching this situation carefully -- to the point of scanning university servers for such files.  Be aware.
11:12:15 AM  #  

Well, COPA can't be enforced, but CIPA can. 

There may well be less restrictive means of protecting children than the 1998 law, such as Internet filters, Justice Kennedy found in an opinion joined by Justices John Paul Stevens, David H. Souter, Clarence Thomas and Ruth Bader Ginsburg.  NYT

It will be interesting to see what the District Court in Philadelphia does at trial. 

Supreme Court Bars Internet Porn Law Enforcement (Reuters). Reuters - A divided U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday barred enforcement of a 1998 federal law designed to keep Internet pornography away from minors because it likely violates constitutional free-speech rights. [Yahoo! News - Technology]

11:09:06 AM  #