Pete Wright's Radio Weblog
Musings on anything and everything, but mainly code!



14 June 2004

After reading through CausticTech and a few of the other people linking to him (I'm not being rude but I'm not going to list them - there's too many now), I've noticed a worrying trend. Lots of these blogs now use the word Wanker! That's OUR WORD. That's an English swear word reserved for use by English people especially when visiting the States. Nothing used to give me more delight than calling a genuine redneck wanker a Wanker and them not understanding it. So stop it. Stop spreading the insult around. It's our secret.




7:34:15 PM    comment []

I have no idea, but this guys does. He's kind of a cross between Dennis Leary and a geek. To be quite frank, he rules. I really didn't want to link to his blog since other bigger names than I have already started doing it, but just in case you miss their blogs, I decided I would.

I'm just glad his book reviews page was of books he admires - I was wincing waiting for him to lay into one my VB books (phew).


7:15:02 PM    comment []

It's getting harder and harder to find companies that offer decent human based customer service, so I thought I'd start pointing out when I do find it. It drives me insane when responses from companies are late, totally off subject, automated, or disrespectful and so far this year I've had all of those experiences ( professional hosting services - are you listening?)

Anyway, the company in question this time is SocialDynamX, the makers of the FMRadio standalone blog editor that plugs into Radio Userland. I forked out the cash electronically a few days ago for it and they duly sent me a Windows Registry update so that the software will stop running in trial mode. The problem I have though is that I've switched back to Outlook 2003 as the mail client here (I need to write some automation code for it) and Outlook blocks reg file extensions. It didn't bother me though, I've got plenty of days left on the trial so I put it on the list of things to do eventually, when I get around to it.

Late this morning I fired off an email to SocialDynamX's support email address saying "Hey could you resend the file as a zip cos Outlook blocked it". I didn't expect a rapid response, since I'm certain the registry keys are produced and emailed by a machine. But, lo and behold, Alan at SocialDynamX emailed me back with a polite "Certainly" and an attached zip file.

There was nothing stunning about the service here, just that it's so nice to actually see real live customer service servicing customers. Keep it up guys.



[UPDATE] I just got an email from the company CEO Stephen Delaney, also offering me a zipped version of my registry key and offering his help if I get stuck again. Now I know that SocialDynamX is a small company, but even so, what FABULOUS service.

6:46:16 PM    comment []

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