Pete Wright's Radio Weblog
Musings on anything and everything, but mainly code!



13 October 2004

Sorry for the lack of updates of late. I've been swamped with work, with writing, and with getting ready to move. Things are beginning to ease off now and the book is coming under control (which will make Dominic my editor quite happy to hear) and I'll be getting the next 2 chapters out this week. I'm really getting into the swing of it now though and it's coming along quite nicely.

The new notebook arrived as well, and boy oh boy what a beast. It's huge. It looks like a standard Dell notebook permanently attached to a thick chunky docking station. The power pack is even huge. I was in the office a couple of weeks back and our office manager came over to chat to a colleague and started to warm her hands on it - seriously.  The immense size and weight though are more than offset by what I can do with the machine. It seems the era of the true desktop replacement has at last arrived. I can do everything on this notebook that I used to do on my Alienware tower, faster. It's just lovely. Everything from writing books, to compiling code, to playing Doom 3 works flawlessly. I'm very happy with it.

Work has been even more interesting than usual as well. I've been helping out my boss with a bunch of ASP.NET code recently. ASP.NET is not something I normally do. I am terrible when it comes to web page design and I never ever really felt comfortable writing web-based applications. It just seemed like you had to jump through too many hoops to get anything done, and so I lead a pretty successful professional life before narrowly avoiding anything and everything to do with classic ASP and ASP.NET. But, the more time I spend with ASP.NET, the more I grow to like it. Nothing as quick and easy, particularly when it comes to building rich user interfaces, as it is with Windows Forms, but it is strangely satisfying.

I've got a bunch of ToDos in my organiser for things to blog about, including tips for overcoming some apparently quite common problems that I ran into with my ASP.NET code, so expect to see quite a torrent of posts over the next few days as I catch up.

For now though, back to the book I go.


8:47:22 PM    comment []

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