Barcelona Hostal Residencia Australia, Barcelona Travel guide
Hostal Residencia Australia shares with you tips and news to make your stay in Barcelona a memorable and unique experience.


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  Saturday, April 25, 2009

Good morning from Barcelona

It is 9 am and we have a beautiful sunny day in the city.

I just went for a stroll down to the beach for a nice morning coffee.

What a pleasure to feel the morning breeze on your skin.

There were a few humans passed out on the beach and surroundings very well dressed up, with a lot of clothes I suppose they were resting from the excitement of seeing the sunrise.

At a local café I just ordered a coffee and I saw a customer asking for a donut, Donut is a registered trademark in Spain and they make just single plain donuts.

Well the novelty is that they all now come in a single hard plastic package to ensure freshness,

The customer was surprised by this 21st century innovation.

I left 5 minutes later and the customer and barmen were still figuring out how to open the doughnut[base ']s packaging in a gentle manner that would preserve the donut.

I must say that this week we have had very nice guests. I have to say thank you to a nice gentlemen that stayed with us for a few days.

I am a Mac user, we are minority in Spain, Well this gentleman used up his free holiday time to give me his Mac free ware and share ware and explain it all to me.

This is service a friend would give to a friend, to a very good friend, It is very nice to see that people give for the pleasure of giving without expecting nothing in return,

Yes there is hope for Mankind. Thank you mr mac.
9:40:21 AM    comment []

Good morning from Barcelona

It is 9 am and we have a beautiful sunny day in the city.

I just went for a stroll down to the beach for a nice morning coffee.

What a pleasure to feel the morning breeze on your skin.

There were a few humans passed out on the beach and surroundings very well dressed up, with a lot of clothes I suppose they were resting from the excitement of seeing the sunrise.

At a local café I just ordered a coffee and I saw a customer asking for a donut, Donut is a registered trademark in Spain and they make just single plain donuts.

Well the novelty is that they all now come in a single hard plastic package to ensure freshness,

The customer was surprised by this 21st century innovation.

I left 5 minutes later and the customer and barmen were still figuring out how to open the doughnut[base ']s packaging in a gentle manner that would preserve the donut.

I must say that this week we have had very nice guests. I have to say thank you to a nice gentlemen that stayed with us for a few days.

I am a Mac user, we are minority in Spain, Well this gentleman used up his free holiday time to give me his Mac free ware and share ware and explain it all to me.

This is service a friend would give to a friend, to a very good friend, It is very nice to see that people give for the pleasure of giving without expecting nothing in return,

Yes there is hope for Mankind. Thank you mr mac.
9:40:16 AM    comment []

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