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  Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I have always thought that humility was a virtue. When I saw this quote, I thought the person saying this was pulling my leg, but after some thought, I know he isn’t.

“Don’t be too humble. YOu are not that great yet.”

Come to think of it, I meet many persons who think that their ability is so better much than other people that they think they don’t have to go extra lengths to secure understanding or communication, or to market themselves on what they can do, or have done. They don’t aim to please, and they don’t ( in brutally frank words) give a damn to you as a customer, or as a colleague. They think their contribution, their work or their product is already so much superior than what others can do.

So you can read the advice as saying don’t. I think the road to success is (more…)

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winning and losing in a tennis match, and a chess matchHere’s another Chinese folk story about a person who never admits to losing. While we recognize that this is sometimes an irritating trait, it could also be a trait that is vital to an entrepreneur’s success.

There was once a person who loved to play chess, and keeps asking people to play with him. However, people did not like to play with him because he never admits defeat.

One day, they decided they would teach him a lesson. So they assemble a huge crowd and an excellent chess player, (more…)

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