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  Friday, January 20, 2006

We are all Makers of the Flag

Filed under: Gift of Story

happy family
/* This is a speech delivered by Franklin Knight Lane in June 14, 1914. 90 years after, it is still relevant and hopefully continues to give us inspiration and meaning. It shows that while we have different roles and aspirations, we all contribute to the community we are living today. I am also enclosing this as a sample of past eloquence which we should all continue to read and be inspired. */

This morning, as I passed in on the Land Office, the Flag dropped me a most cordial salutation, and from its rippling folds I heard it say: “Good Morning, Mr. Flag Maker.”

“I beg your pardon, Old Glory,”I said, “arent’you mistaken? I am not the president of the United States, nor a member of Congress, nor even a general in the army. I am only a government clerk.”

“I greet you again, Mr. Flag Maker, “replied the gay voice, “I know you well. You are the man who worked in the swelter of yesterday (more…)

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The Greater Legacy

Last week, some of my colleagues in the company and I visited a children center and try to bring some christmas cheers as well as donations. This particular center takes care of children from 8 to 18 years of age. The center is called TSF Child Center, TSF standing for Terre Sans Frontiere, which is French for World Without Boundaries. It is almost wholly sponsored by the foundation in France, and thus the name.

This center currently is equipped to handle about 50 children, and is run by a retired volunteer from the French Armed Forces, whose name was Gerard (more…)

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New English Words 2005

smileyThe American Dialect Society have formally reflected on new words introduced in 2005. Among them, “truthiness” which is he quality of stating concepts one wishes or believes rather to be true, rather than the facts itself.

Most useful word is “podcast” which is a digital feed containing audio or video files for downloading to an MP3 player.

Most creative words are “whale tail” which is the appearance of a thong above the waistband, (more…)

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Four Star Toilets

beijing 3 star toiletI have been to China regularly over the last 10 years. Every visit always does not cease to amaze me. From a backward country 25 years ago, it has managed to become a roaring powerhouse. Visit their top 20 cities, and you can almost get a feeling that it looks as slick as any top Asian city. Moreover, every few months, you practically see the skyline changed.

One of the persistent things that they definitely need to improve are the toilets. A friend Beijing china 4 star toiletcommented that over ten years ago, you don’t need directions to go to a toilet. You only need your nose to smell your way to it. Surely, it has improved. One of the ways, as is done in a country who espoused processes on everything is to ‘grade’ the toilet, and hold it up to the grade standard.

Here we see that there are toilets that are graded 4 star ( internally I am sure that there are standards then that the people maintaining it will have to follow), and here are toilets that are graded 3 star. Maybe the best way to improve is to make the grade visible and make the people responsible hold it to that standard. Is that how we improve also all areas of our operations, including HR?

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