Updated: 3/18/2005; 6:15:25 PM.
The Voice of Global Critics.org
Sharing the global concept of linking minds, thoughts, ideas, positions, gripes, memorials, kudos, warnings and what ever else may present itself. This blog will reflect information entered in some of the forums at www.globalcritics.org/forums/index.php Enjoy and above all participate

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Lost Dog Database - Look here for lost/found dogs

Dog Detective is a free lost and found dog database. Please check our site if you have lost or found a dog. http://dogdetective.com
9:47:02 AM    comment []

Hi Gang, some new stuff for you all, God I just love stuff ;-)
Ok first:
Losts of action in the animal life line section, we could use a moderator there

Everywhere you post, no matter what forum, your post will automaticdally appear on the www in 2 weblog news feeds. The number of feeds will soon be increased to 10.
There has been some rearranging of forums, as well as a couple being deleted, so look around

Fourth: there is a new section called the real perry count news. Check that out because there is a whole classified ad section in their as well as community message board, This area is open to everyone and the classifieds are free for personal use

This one is really important....
When you post in a forum please try to keep your line length to about 70 characters. if yopu go over that when it is posted to the news feed it expands the width of the page on the www LOL

One last thing...we provide a quality service to ya'all free of charge, we're3 not looking for a lot of praise or any money, but we would like to see the entire community grow and become intellectually prosperous. ;-)
And last but not least ....Inviet all your friends to join you here, and for the love of god ...lets have some moderators  ok ???
Happy posting
best always

9:09:59 AM    comment []

IAMS Response

[size=3]Hmmmmmmmmmmmm[/size] [size=3][/size] Dear Concerned Consumer:

Thank you for sharing your comments regarding the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. The Iams Company does not provide corporate support to the Iditarod.

Over the years, we have worked with mushers to advance our understanding of the nutritional needs of working dogs. Our feeding trials with sled dogs have resulted in breakthrough research in clinical diets that help veterinarians worldwide treat dogs recovering from surgery and cancer therapy. Also this research has helped us educate pet owners and enthusiasts on how to keep dogs properly hydrated, and how to use antioxidants to reduce muscle stiffness in exercising dogs.

While we listen very carefully to our customers and concerned dog lovers, we make our decisions based on our mission to enhance the well-being of dogs by providing high quality foods and pet care products.

Please contact us anytime through our E-mail Us Now page located on our web sites at www.iams.com (http://www.iams.com) or www.eukanuba.com (http://www.eukanuba.com) . We would also welcome your call Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and on Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time at 800-525-4267.

Sincerely, Tina Iams Consumer Care, North America The Iams Company is proud of having over 50 years of nutritional excellence, dedicated to enhancing the well-being of dogs and cats by providing world-class quality foods and pet care products. Iams and Eukanuba are registered trademarks of The Iams Company.
8:28:33 AM    comment []

A T & T Alascom Responds

[size=3][color=red]While their response is appreciated, it is clear that they attempt to justify their position of supporting a single Musher.[/color][/size] [size=3][color=red]One still has to wonder, if these were children instead of dogs, and just one child was found to be abused, would they ignore the abuse because so many were not?[/color][/size]

[font=Times New Roman][size=3]Dear Animal Rights Activist: [/size][/font] [font=Times New Roman][size=3]We received your e-mail regarding the upcoming Iditarod and would like to address some of your concerns about our sponsorship and most importantly, the health and safety of the animals involved in the race. [/size][/font] [font=Times New Roman][size=3]First, AT&T Alascom is not a sponsor of the Iditarod itself. Rather, we sponsor a musher and a team of dogs. The musher we selected is from a credible, widely known racing family with a long history in Alaska. This family is well established in the community and can assure the animals are treated with the greatest respect and care. [/size][/font] [font=Times New Roman][size=3]As for care of the animals – Iditarod dogs actually have some of the most health intensive check ups in the animal athletic world. Prior to racing, dogs must pass a pre-race physical. Mushers must demonstrate the dogs have been properly conditioned - and the dogs must demonstrate a willingness to be harnessed and to pull a sled. An animal that cannot pass these exams will not compete. [/size][/font] [font=Times New Roman][size=3]Veterinarians monitor the health of each dog at 20 checkpoints along the trail. Vets also are available for immediate assistance should a dog fall ill during the race. Any inhumane or cruel treatment is not tolerated. [/size][/font] [font=Times New Roman][size=3]We are sorry you have heard negative stories about the treatment of dogs. We cannot speak to the veracity of those stories, but we can assure you that the musher we selected to sponsor cares deeply about his team and would not jeopardize the health and safety of his animals. [/size][/font] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]Sincerely,[/font] [/size] [font=Times New Roman][size=3]Cathy Opinsky [/size][/font]
8:17:29 AM    comment []

Think about it!!!

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica][size=2][size=3][color=#008080]The Price of Fur[/color][/size] The real price of fur must be measured in deaths--not dollars. To make one fur coat you must kill at least fifty-five wild mink, thirty-five ranched mink, forty sables, eleven lynx, eighteen red foxes, eleven silver foxes, one hundred chinchillas, thirty rex rabbits, nine beavers, thirty muskrats, fifteen bobcats, twenty-five skunks, fourteen otters, one hundred twenty-five ermines, thirty possums, one hundred squirrels, or twenty-seven raccoons.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica][size=3][color=#008080]A Dying Industry[/color][/size][/font][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica][size=2] Every year, the well-organized fur trade spends millions of dollars to glamorize fur coats and accessories and to mask the real price of fur: pain, mutilation, and death for millions of animals. But as more people learn the truth about fur, growing numbers of furriers are going bankrupt. Less practical than alternatives and increasingly seen as offensive, the status of fur is status is slipping. Saga, a Norwegian fur manufacturer, in a bleak attempt to bring fur back in fashion, resorted to giving fur to students to work with in hopes of breeding a new generation of furriers. [/size][/font] [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica][size=2]The fur industry, which once only included the price of full-length coats in their numbers, has resorted to including fur storage and trim in their statistics to beef up sales reports. Actual fur sales decreased from $1.35 billion in 1990 to $648 million in 1993. The number of U.S. retail locations in 1993 alone fell from 192 to 46, and fur apparel imports dropped a staggering 48% in 1995. A February 1994 issue of The Trapper noted that, “from Alaska to Maine the number of those trapping, fur hunting and buying fur has plummeted to the lowest level yet recorded.” This trend has already saved millions of animals--but the anguish continues for millions of others. [/size][/font] [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica][size=2][size=3][color=#008080]Trapped in Agony[/color][/size] There are several methods used to trap animals in the wild. The most common is the steel-jaw leghold trap. Animals caught in a hidden steel jaw trap suffer a slow, excruciating death. The trap snaps down on the limb of an unsuspecting animal, sometimes breaking the limb. The trapped animals often freeze to death or are attacked by predators from whom they cannot flee. Many frantically chew off their own legs to escape the agonizing pain. If they are still alive when the trapper returns to the scene, they are bludgeoned or strangled to death. The method for killing a trapped animal, as described in, "Fur Trapping: A Complete Guide," is to "Hit the trapped animal just forward of the eyes with the stick. While it is unconscious, use your knee or the heel of your shoe to come down hard behind the front leg. This ruptures the heart, and the coyote never regains consciousness."[/size][/font] [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica][size=2]The leghold trap is not just cruel; it is also indiscriminate. Trappers discard millions of "trash animals" not wanted for their fur, including domestic pets and endangered species. Trapped animals sometimes leave behind dependent young who are doomed to starvation, adding to the death toll for each coat. Companion animals, such as dogs and cats, have been trapped and killed after wandering into a trap.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica][size=2][size=3][color=#008080]The Horror of the Ranch[/color][/size] Animals raised on ranches are kept in cramped confinement and deprived of anything resembling a natural life, until finally they are killed, often by crude and painful means. Methods used include gassing, suffocation, or electrocution through the mouth and anus so that the “product”—the pelt—is not singed or stained with blood. Far from being “humane,” fur ranching is characterized by barren wire-mesh cages, isolation, and environmental deprivation so intense that animals often go insane, as animals used to roaming 15 miles each day go crazy from life in a cage. Animals are forced to endure all weather extremes, and veterinary care is typically non-existent since it is not cost effective to treat an animal whose fate is to be turned into a coat. Animals who are naturally solitary are caged together, often resulting in cannibalism, and animals are often left to decompose in cages with live animals. [/size][/font] [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica][size=2][size=3][color=#008080]Environmental Devistation[size=2] Nothing Natural about Fur[/size][/color][/size] In the face of causing such notorious, unnecessary cruelty to animals, furriers desperate for positive things to say about their product often resort to the claim that furs are “natural.” In fact, turning an animal’s skin into a coat involves preserving it with toxic chemicals, such as formaldehyde—a known carcinogen—in order to keep the carcass from decaying. [/size][/font] [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica][size=2]Furriers also claim that fur trapping is a necessary tool for wildlife management. However, trapping as a commercial enterprise can never be a wildlife management strategy. Proper wildlife management needs to be based on highly specific local circumstances, recognizing the delicate balance of a particular ecosystem. But the book "Fur Trapping: A Complete Guide" shows the true motivator for trapping—money. "The trapper should trap the fur most in demand. If bobcats bring a high of $400, as they did in 1976, he should concentrate on them." Is this wildlife management—or slaughter for profit? Wildlife populations follow natural fluctuation curves. Unchecked hunting and trapping of certain animals have disrupted these fluctuations. The furriers’ and trappers’ scientifically baseless claim that they are “managing” wildlife is a thinly disguised ploy to kill the most profitable animals. [/size][/font] [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica][size=2]Once a symbol of glamour and success, fur is now a symbol of insensitivity, vanity, and greed. World-famous designers such as Giorgio Armani, Stella McCartney, Donna Karan, Geoffrey Beene and Calvin Klein now refuse to include fur in their collections. Leading retailers including Harrods of London and I. Magnin have stopped selling furs altogether. Each of us can make the compassionate choice to not support such unnecessary cruelty to animals and to speak out on the animals’ behalf.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica][size=2][color=#008080]What You Can Do:[/color]

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica][size=2]If you’re ever in a store that you see sells real fur, please express your displeasure to the manager and ask them to stop carrying fur. To view contact information and write letters to notorious companies that sell fur, please visit [color=#0000ff]www.furkills.org/wycd.html[/color] (http://www.furkills.org/wycd.html). [/size][/font] [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica][size=2]Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper informing consumers of the cruelty inherent in every real fur product. Learn more about the cruelty of fur at [color=#0000ff]www.furkills.org[/color] (http://www.furkills.org/). [/size][/font] [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica][size=2]Never let anyone wearing fur pass you by without politely informing them of the cruelty of fur.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica][size=2]Contact IDA for a supply of leaflets to distribute or leave in heavily trafficked locations. We can also send you small pocket cards to hand out to fur wearers. –[/size][/font] [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica][size=2]Organize a protest. We can help! Contact [color=#0000ff]furkills@idausa.org[/color] (furkills@idausa.org) or visit [color=#0000ff]furkills.com[/color] (http://www.furkills.com/) for more information.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica][size=2]Persuade friends and family with fur coats to donate their coats to IDA so that we may use them in anti-fur demonstrations, or to wildlife rehabilitators, who use the fur to provide bedding for injured or orphaned wildlife. As an extra motivator, donors can write the fur donation off on their taxes:grommit: :grommit: :grommit: :grommit: [/size][/font] [/size][/font]
8:11:53 AM    comment []

Would you wear your beloved animal???

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - [font=arial][size=-1]Choking back tears and holding aloft a coat made from the skins of 42 Alsatian puppies, Heather Mills McCartney, wife of ex-Beatle Paul, called for a European ban on cat and dog fur imports Tuesday.[/size][/font]"I became aware of this (trade) only four months ago," she told a news conference in Brussels at the European Parliament. "It was a big shock to myself and my family considering my husband and his late wife Linda were involved in animal rights ... and none of them knew about the dog and cat fur exports from China and the fact that Europe (is) importing it." Animal rights activists estimate that 2 million cats and dogs are killed in Asia each year for their fur which is imported into Europe under false labels, saying it either fake fur or exotic Asian species, to make soft toys, blankets, coats and fur trims on hoods. "It's barbaric that this is still going on," said Mills. "It's more disgusting that the fashion industry where a lot of people are actually aware of it buy this because they know it's cheaper than using the fox, mink and sable that is labeled." Five European Union ([color=#0000ff]news[/color] (http://us.rd.yahoo.com/DailyNews/manual/nm/people_nm/eu_animal_fur_dc/14441318/*http://news.search.yahoo.com/search/news?fr=news-storylinks&p=%22European%20Union%22&c=&n &yn=c&c=news&cs=nw) - [color=#0000ff]web sites[/color] (http://us.rd.yahoo.com/DailyNews/manual/nm/people_nm/eu_animal_fur_dc/14441318/*http://search.yahoo.com/search?fr=web-storylinks&p=European%20Union)) states -- Belgium, Denmark, France, Greece and Italy -- have banned imports but the absence of a 25-nation bloc total ban means the trade cannot be halted. British Conservative member of the European Parliament Struan Stevenson has campaigned for the past five years for an EU-wide ban. Stevenson said the new EU Health and Consumer Protection Commissioner Markos Kyprianou should act immediately to draft legislation outlawing the trade. "The vast majority of the citizens of Europe want a ban, the majority of the MEPs want a ban," said Stevenson. "Mr. Kyprianou, it is over to you." The Commission said it was investigating the situation. "Commissioner Kyprianou is very concerned about this practice and has asked his services to look into the legal avenues which are open to the Commission to act," said European Commission ([color=#0000ff]news[/color] (http://us.rd.yahoo.com/DailyNews/manual/nm/people_nm/eu_animal_fur_dc/14441318/*http://news.search.yahoo.com/search/news?fr=news-storylinks&p=%22European%0ACommission%22&c=&n &yn=c&c=news&cs=nw) - [color=#0000ff]web sites[/color] (http://us.rd.yahoo.com/DailyNews/manual/nm/people_nm/eu_animal_fur_dc/14441318/*http://search.yahoo.com/search?fr=web-storylinks&p=European%20Commission)) consumer protection spokesman Philip Tod:grommit: :bunny: :dog: :snorting:
8:11:53 AM    comment []

Re: Responswe from a Musher

If anyone has doubts about the cruelties of the Iditarod, take the Iditarod Challenge: read and verify the quotes on http://www.helpsleddogs.org/remarks.htm and on all the quote pages that link to it. All the quotes are correct and verifiable. Musher profit from forcing their dogs to race in the Iditarod. In sharp contrast, the Sled Dog Action Coalition does not accept or solicit funds.
8:11:52 AM    comment []


PETCO has a choice about the TV shows it sponsors. Through its sponsorship, PETCO endorses a show's content. Last week, PETCO was a major sponsor of the Westminster Dog Show, a program that romanticized and glorified the barbaric Iditarod.

We appreciate PETCO not wanting to be involved in the Iditarod. In addition to not sponsoring the Iditarod or one of its mushers, we hope PETCO is careful not to place its ads on shows, programs or events that support and/or promote the race.

Margery Glickman Director Sled Dog Action Coalition, [color=#800080]http://www.helpsleddogs.org[/color] (http://www.helpsleddogs.org/)
8:11:49 AM    comment []

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