Updated: 01/05/2005; 11:03:18.
the sex blog

26 April 2005

Michelle Zippurbangrounds.com

From Gothamist: One thing I tried to incorporate into Playgirl with the redesign was sex on every level, behind every corner, not just article after article on anal sex, fellatio and things like “10 Ways To Satisfy Yourself In Bed.” Boring. So after last year’s heated election, and after Primetime Live did their survey on how Republicans are kinkier in bed, I ran with it for Playgirl.

9:15:58 PM    comment []


Miami Herald: Medical research is already testing testosterone patches for women and the early results show that women who receive testosterone have improved sexual arousal, orgasm, pleasure and responsiveness. But many women can experience these changes in desire well before they encounter hormonal changes.

9:01:29 PM    comment []


MDN: Almost one-third of Japan's married couples are sexless, with about 20 percent of unions bereft of physical intimacy for one year or more, an alarming poll conducted by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and the Japan Family Planning Association showed.

7:53:49 PM    comment []



Arizona Daily Wildcat: For this reason, the unpredictability of achieving the ever-elusive female orgasm is evidence that, although two people are involved in the same activity, they do not necessarily share the same experience. Several health professionals and students have some good ideas about why.

7:43:36 PM    comment []



Village Voice:A brief history: Bust was conceived in 1992 by a couple of self-described "overeducated, underpaid, late-twenty-something cubicle slaves, working side-by-side at a Giant Media Conglomerate." Annoyed that the Giant Media Conglomerates ignored real girl culture—"that shared set of female experiences that includes Barbies and blowjobs, sexism and shoplifting, Vogue and vaginas," they pined for a magazine that would speak to the new-wave feminists who had "stomped their way through the eighties in lipstick and combat boots and thrift store dresses."

7:33:48 PM    comment []



USA Today: An alarming number of American girls, some as young as 9, are using bodybuilding steroids — not necessarily to get an edge on the playing field, but to get the toned, sculpted look of models and movie stars, experts say.


11:40:09 AM    comment []



Village Voice: The best thing to Victoria Zdrok (above) about post-baby sex is "that special sense of connection I feel to my partner now, which makes sex less trivial and more lofty. I also have more vaginal responsiveness and vaginal orgasms. Before becoming pregnant, I was only capable of clitoral orgasms."


11:28:33 AM    comment []

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